发布时间:2023-10-08 06:22:39

[单项选择]Passage Four
Recorded music is the chief kind of radio entertainment. Most stations specialize in one kind of music, such as rock, classical, country’ and western, or "old-time favorites". Some stations broadcast several kinds of music.
Radio stations that broadcast music have disc jockeys who introduce and comment on the music. They play an important role. Each station tries to hire disc jockeys whose announcing styles and personalities appeal to the station’s largest audience.
Programs that provide information include newscasts, talk shows, and play-by-play(详细报道的) descriptions of sports events. Newscasts come on the air at regular times — every half-hour or hour on most stations. In addition, radio stations present on-the-spot news coverage of such special events as political conventions, space flights, Senate hearings, and speeches b
A. music
B. railway stations
C. talk shows
D. radio stations

更多"Passage Four Recorded mus"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Four
Recorded music is the chief kind of radio entertainment. Most stations specialize in one kind of music, such as rock, classical, country’ and western, or "old-time favorites". Some stations broadcast several kinds of music.
Radio stations that broadcast music have disc jockeys who introduce and comment on the music. They play an important role. Each station tries to hire disc jockeys whose announcing styles and personalities appeal to the station’s largest audience.
Programs that provide information include newscasts, talk shows, and play-by-play(详细报道的) descriptions of sports events. Newscasts come on the air at regular times — every half-hour or hour on most stations. In addition, radio stations present on-the-spot news coverage of such special events as political conventions, space flights, Senate hearings, and speeches b
A. disc operator
B. record player
C. host of a music station
D. introducer

Recorded music is the chief kind of radio entertainment. Most stations specialize in one kind of music, such as rock, classical, country’ and western, or "old-time favorites". Some stations broadcast several kinds of music.
Radio stations that broadcast music have disc jockeys who introduce and comment on the music. They play an important role. Each station tries to hire disc jockeys whose announcing styles and personalities appeal to the station’s largest audience.
Programs that provide information include newscasts, talk shows, and play-by-play(详细报道的) descriptions of sports events. Newscasts come on the air at regular times — every half-hour or hour on most stations. In addition, radio stations present on-the-spot news coverage of such special events as political conventions, space flights, Senate hearings, and speeches by the President. Radio stations also broadcast such specialized news as weather forecasts, traffic reports, and sto
A. music
B. railway stations
C. talk shows
D. radio stations

Passage One
About four years ago, Kerry Sturgill found herself at a career crossroads: Should she stay in an industry populated by extroverts(外向型的人) or jump ship to a more reflective place where introverts like her were in the majority
Career counselors had told her to get out of the highly extroverted public relations fields " so you can be happy and do what you are. " Among the less fast-paced areas they pointed to: art, scientific research, data analysis.
Such a move is definitely the right road for many introverts struggling to fit into an extroverted workplace.
So, just what is an introvert anyway It’s someone who is energized by thought and reflection, while extroverts are energized by socializing. Introverts naturally need to think before they speak. Extroverts use the speaking process to figure out what it is they want t
A. introverts should try to avoid working in a highly extroverted environment
B. introverts should try to change themselves to fit into an extroverted working environment
C. extroverts should work in less fast-paced areas such as art and scientific research
D. introverts can be happier if they can find jobs in the field of public relations
[填空题]This passage deals with four factors that affect people’s demand for certain demanded goods.

Passage Two

Nearly four years ago, a web-based political movement set itself the modest task of "closing the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want". Calling their group Avaaz, which means "voice" in several languages, the founders aimed to reproduce globally some of the success which their predecessors—like America’s Moveon.org, and Australia’s Getup! —had enjoyed in national political fields.
By its own lights, the movement, using 14 languages and engaged in an astounding list of causes, has had some spectacular successes. Within the next few months, membership will top 6m. The number of individual actions taken is estimated at over 23m. Among the recent developments Avaaz claims to have influenced are a new anti-corruption law in Brazil; a move by Britain to create a marine-conservation zone in the Indian Ocean; and the spiking of a propos
A. equip a protesting button on the phone.
B. exert great pressure on political leaders.
C. abolish death penalty on foreign females.
D. participate in the Brazilian campaign alon


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