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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:45:37


W: Did you hear the thunder last night
M: Did I It was really loud.
W: I didn’ t see any lightning, though. I thought that thunder and lightning always occur at the same time.
M: They do. It’ s no possible to have one without the other since thunder is a direct result of lightning.
W: Really
M: Yes. Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of highly heated air along the path of an electrical discharge.
W: In other words, lightning quickly heats the air and causes thunder. But if the lightning is there, why can’t we see it
M: Because it sometimes occurs very high in the clouds.
W: I wonder if it’ s possible to see the lightning and not to hear the thunder.
M: Yes. It’ s possible if the lightning flashes far enough away. Sound doesn’ t travel as far as light.

Where does thunder occur( ).
A. Where cool air hits mountains.
B. Where lightning occurs.
C. Near electrical wires.
D. Underneath the clouds.

更多"W: Did you hear the thunder last ni"的相关试题:


W: Did you hear the thunder last night
M: Did I It was really loud.
W: I didn’ t see any lightning, though. I thought that thunder and lightning always occur at the same time.
M: They do. It’ s no possible to have one without the other since thunder is a direct result of lightning.
W: Really
M: Yes. Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of highly heated air along the path of an electrical discharge.
W: In other words, lightning quickly heats the air and causes thunder. But if the lightning is there, why can’t we see it
M: Because it sometimes occurs very high in the clouds.
W: I wonder if it’ s possible to see the lightning and not to hear the thunder.
M: Yes. It’ s possible if the lightning flashes far enough away. Sound doesn’ t travel as far as light.

What led to the conversation( ).
A. A recent local storm.
B. A recent radio program.
C. A course the speakers are taking.
D. Research being done by one of the speakers.
[单项选择]W: Did you hear Jay Smith died in his sleep last night
M: Yes, it’s very sad. Please let everybody know that whoever wants to may attend the funeral.
Q: What are the speakers talking about( ).
A. A tragic accident.
B. A sad occasion.
C. Smith’s unusual life story.
D. Smith’s sleeping problem.

W: Did you hear of the robbery in the bank last night
M: No, I didn’t. Which bank was robbed
W: The bank in Green Street.
M: How much money was lost
W: No a penny was robbed.
M: Really
W: Yes, there were three robbers. One was trying to run away, but the police shot him in the leg and they arrested him.
M: What about the other two
W: The other two were shot dead when they fired at the police.
M: Who called the police when the bank had been robbed
W: A brave security guard of the bank.

Which bank was robbed last night( ).
A. The bank in Green Street.
B. The bank near a police station.
C. The bank without any security guards.
[简答题]Why did you leave your last job

M: Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in South America recently It was quite a tragic accident!
W: No, I didn’t see anything in the news about it. What happened
M: A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a motmtainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill!
W: That sounds really terrible! Did anyone survive
M: No, everyone aboard, including the crew, was killed instantly.
W: What were the circumstances Were they bad weather, a fire, or engine failure
M: Apparently, there were some low clouds in the area, but mostly it was just miscommunication between the pilots and the air traffic controllers.
W: Weren’t they both speaking in English, the official international aviation language
M: Yes they were, but the transition from poor quality radios was slightly distorted and the accents of the Spanish speaking controllers was so strong that the pilots misunderstood a vital instruction.A. Bad weather.
B. Human error.
C. Breakdown of the engines.
D. Communications system failure.


M:Did you hear that the Chapmans sold their house and are moving to Arizona
W:Yes, and the man who bought the house is a doctor from Philadelphia.

Where didthenew owner comefrom ()
A. Philadelphia. 
B. The Chapmans. 
C. Doctors. 
D. Arizona.

Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital
Mimi: Oh, really (56) with him
Beth: He’s got a very high temperature. I guess it may be cholera (霍乱).
Mimi: Cholera! How in the world did (57)
Beth: Who knows!
Mimi: (58) for a long time
Beth: For a couple of weeks, apparently. But he only (59) on Monday.
Mimi: Why did he wait so long He should have seen a doctor earlier.
Beth: Yes, I know. But luckily the doctor says if he stays in the hospital for a few weeks, he should be able to improve.
Mimi: Gee, (60) .



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