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发布时间:2023-10-23 14:28:46


1 The large-scale settlement of North America by Europeans began in the seventeenth century. France took the early lead in the contest for the temperate regions of North America. In 1608, the first permanent French colony was established at Quebec. In 1682, La Salle explored the Mississippi River and claimed the entire river system for France. But despite these early successes, there were never enough French settlers to make French North America a large center of population.
2 The Dutch under Henry Hudson explored the eastern coast of the continent and claimed a large area, including the river that was named after him. The Dutch colony of New Netherlands started with a few trading posts on the Hudson River, where New York City is now located, and expanded into enterprises in New Jersey, Delaware and Connecticut. The Dutch settlements suffered a lot of competition from the English,
A. The French were more successful than any other European nation at the time.
B. French settlement never extended beyond the original colony at Quebec.
C. The French settled North America in order to control international trade.
D. The French colonies had fewer people than did other North American colonies.



1 The large-scale settlement of North America by Europeans began in the seventeenth century. France took the early lead in the contest for the temperate regions of North America. In 1608, the first permanent French colony was established at Quebec. In 1682, La Salle explored the Mississippi River and claimed the entire river system for France. But despite these early successes, there were never enough French settlers to make French North America a large center of population.
2 The Dutch under Henry Hudson explored the eastern coast of the continent and claimed a large area, including the river that was named after him. The Dutch colony of New Netherlands started with a few trading posts on the Hudson River, where New York City is now located, and expanded into enterprises in New Jersey, Delaware and Connecticut. The Dutch settlements suffered a lot of competition from the English,
A. To emphasize the competition among European groups
B. To trace the origin of a popular sport in North America
C. To show that failure comes more quickly than success
D. To describe the ethnic differences among Europeans
[单项选择]The first English permanent settlement in America was founded in 1607 in ______.

A. New Mexico
B. Iowo
C. California
D. Virginia
Houses in 18th Century North America

Seventeenth-century houses in colonial North America were simple structures that were primarily functional, carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages. During the first half of the eighteenth century, however, houses began to show a new elegance. As wealth increased, more and more colonists built fine houses.
Since architecture was not yet a specialized profession in the colonies, the design of buildings was left either to amateur designers or to carpenters who undertook to interpret architectural manuals imported from England. Inventories of colonial libraries show an astonishing number of these handbooks for builders, and the houses erected during the eighteenth century show their influence. Nevertheless, most domestic architecture of the first three-quarters of the eighteenth century displays a wide divergence of taste and freedom of application of the rules laid down i
A. The improved design of eighteenth-century colonial houses.
B. A comparison of eighteenth-century houses and modern houses.
C. The decorations used in eighteenth-century houses.
D. The role of carpenters in building eighteenth-century houses.
[填空题]A brief comparison of Overall European and American business styles.
[单项选择]The first European settlement on Australia began in ______.
A. 1901
B. 1788
C. 1770
D. 1787
[填空题]The early European settlement is along one of our well-known rivers--which{{U}} (36) {{/U}}into the Atlantic to form New York bay. The Hudson river has a{{U}} (37) {{/U}}of interesting physical features that made it very attractive for settlement by the Europeans. The flint is that the river{{U}} (38) {{/U}}inland from the Atlantic Ocean for more than 150 mile with no waterfalls or{{U}} (39) {{/U}}. Its surface is{{U}} (40) {{/U}}flat for that entire distance, with no tides. Second, the whole 150-mile stretch is influenced by tides from the Atlantic Ocean.{{U}} (41) {{/U}}every six hours, the river{{U}} (42) {{/U}}direction, flowing north when the tide is{{U}} (43) {{/U}}and south toward the ocean when the tide is going down. {{U}} (44) {{/U}}and this explains why the Dutch penetrated so far inland. There were the first Europeans to settle in the Hudson valley. Of course, to go upstream, the Dutch settlers needed the right kind of boat, and so to navigate the rive


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