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发布时间:2024-01-18 18:36:58


M: Jane. let’s go swimming.
W: Swim Are you joking We have an exam tomorrow, and I must prepare for it.

What does the woman mean ()
A. She is unable to swim.
B. She doesn’t like swimming.
C. She doesn’t like the boy.
D. She has no time to swim.

更多"M: Jane. let’s go swimming. "的相关试题:


M: Jane, let’s go swimming.
W: Swim Are you joking We have an exam tomorrow, and I must prepare for it.

What does the woman mean ()
A. She is unable to swim.
B. She doesn’t like swimming.
C. She doesn’t like the boy.
D. She has no time to swim.

M: Jane, let’s go swimming.
W: Swim Are you joking We have an exam to morrow, and I must prepare for it.

What does the woman mean ()
A. She is unable to swim.
B. She doesn’t like swimming.
C. She doesn’t like the boy.
D. She has no time to swim.

M:Jane,let’s go swimming.
W:Swim Are you joking We have an exam to-morrow, and I must prepare for it.

What does the woman mean()
A. She is unable to swim.
B. She doesn’t like swimming.
C. She doesn’t like the boy.
D. She has no time to swim.

W: Hi, Sam, would you like to go swimming this after noon
M: I wish I could, but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have a ten - page paper due tomorrow.
W: Oh, is that for Professor Lowal’ s class
M: Yes.
W: That’ s hard. How was it going so far
M: Not very well. And I also have to study a lot for math and history. I don’ t know how I’ m going to do at all.
W: You know, Sam. I’ ve been doing well in math, so I’ll be happy to help you.
M: Ah, that would be great, Jenny.
W: If you like we can start after we come back from swimming.
M: OK, I’ll see you in front of the library.
W: Good luck with your paper.

Where is Jenny going ()
A. To a math class.
B. Bicycling.
C. To the library.
D. Swimming.
则该程序运行后,m的值是 【6】
则该程序运行后,m的值是 【6】
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe the place you often go to swim Who taught you how to swim Should schools set up swimming course What is the importance of swimming

W: Would you like another piece of chicken
M: Yes ,please . It’s delicious. Did you cook it in Qianmen. How about some sandwiches
W: Oh, no. It’s Kentucky Fried Chicken. I bought it in Qianmen. How about some sandwiches
M: Well, just one, please. Hmm, it’s nice ! You bought them in Kentucky Restau-rant also, didn’t you
W: Yes, I did. Let me give you some more chicken. There’s plenty more.
M: No, thanks. I’m full I’d like a cup of tea, please.
W: Ok. Here you are.
M: Thank you. What a delicious supper!

What can be seen at their supper table( )
A. Fried chickens, sandwiches and tea
B. Some chicken.
C. Sandwiches with chicken.
[单项选择]独W怆Y然G涕咯 孤独E流剃Y鼻涕 辅孤R独Y涕流S
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. 5

W: May I see your tickets
M: Here you are.
W: Would you put your baggage on the machine, please
M: We just have the two bags to be weighed. I’ll take the small suitcase on the plane with me.
W: Your baggage is all right. It’s not over-weight. Here are some tags for your hand baggage.
M: Thanks.
W: These are your tickets and your boarding-card. You’ll have to show it as you beard the plane.
M: Shall I go to the waiting-room now
W: Yes, you may have a short rest.

Where does this conversation take place ()
A. On the plane.
B. At the airport.
C. On the train.
D. In the shop.

W: Did you go to the theater last Saturday
M: Yes, I saw The Tea House. The acting was excellent.

What did the man do last Saturday ( )
A. He saw a play.
B. He acted in a play.
C. He went to the tea house.

W: Are you glad that you came to Washington
M: Yes, indeed, I’d considered going to New York or Boston, but I’ve never regretted my decision.

Where is the man now( ).
A. In Washington.
B. In New York.
C. In Boston.

W: Did you go to the theatre last Saturday
M: Yes, I saw "The Tea House". The acting was excellent.

What did the man do last Saturday ( )
A. He saw a play.
B. He acted in a play.
C. He went to the tea hous

M: Are you going to the town this afternoon
W: Yes, I have a friend waiting for me there.
M: Can you bring me a bottle of wine on your way back
W: Sure.

Why does the woman plan to go to town( ).
A. To pay her bills in the bank.
B. To buy books in a bookstore.
C. To get some money from the bank.
D. To meet someone in the town.


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