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发布时间:2023-11-27 05:19:46

[填空题]Under the leadership of Prime Minister Chifley, Australians gladly accepted socialism.

更多"Under the leadership of Prime Minis"的相关试题:

[填空题]Under the leadership of Prime Minister Chifley, Australians gladly accepted socialism.
[填空题]Special forest—prime location.
[简答题]Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis

2009年5月10日,甲从商场买回一台A牌洗衣机(属″三包″商品),在5月15日使用时,发现洗衣机突然不转,遂到商场要求退货。商场售货员乙声称,商场明文规定凡是在本商场购买的任何家用电器如有问题只能维修不能退换。但修理三次后,洗衣机仍不能正常使用,为此,甲多次找到商场有关部门投诉,但无结果。双方因此发生争执。 试分析:

[单项选择]What has the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi called on current Prime Minister to do()
A. To debate a non-confidence motion in his government.
B. To resign.
C. To introduce the non-confidence measure.
D. To clear the political air.
[单项选择]US president Obama met with Russian Prime Minister Putin for______.
A. the first time
B. the second time
C. the third time
D. the fourth time


A. ①②③
B. ①③
C. ②④
D. ④
E. ①②③④
[单项选择]The British Prime Minister’s official residence is, No. 10 ______ Street in London.
[A] Downing [B] Oxford [C] Knightsbridge [D] Regent
[单项选择]Prime Minister Tony Blair and David Beckham were leading a last-minute charm offensive to secure the 2012 Olympics for London — as a new row flared with leading rival Paris.
Mr Blair hailed the capital’s "brilliant" bid to host the games and said the event would provide a "wonderful legacy" for British sport.
He was addressing a reception at the High Commissioner’s residence in Singapore, attended by a glittering array of sporting stars led by David and Victoria Beckham.
Mr Blair, speaking alongside Lord Coe and his bid team, told guests: "We are very proud of our country and we feel we can make the Olympic movement proud of this bid as well."
Dignitaries at the event included the Princess Royal, Sir Steve Redgrave, Daley Thompson, Jonathan Edwards, Sir Matthew Pinsent, Denise Lewis, David Hemery. Tanni Grey-Thompson and Sir Bobby Charlton.
French officials were earlier angered by critical comments about the centrepiece Paris stadium— the Stade de Fra
A. true
B. critical
C. ironic
D. joking
[单项选择]What is the attitude of the Italian Prime Minister towards the measures
A. Supportive.
B. Neutral.
C. Unclear.
D. Opponent.
[简答题]To solve the deficit problem the Prime Minister proposed a tax reform, but the Parliament’s decision to withdraw its support greatly discouraged his effort. (be a damper on… )
Robert Menzies was conservative Prime Minister of Australia from 1939 to 1941 and again from 1949 until his retirement in 1966. Menzies provoked a variety of responses during his political career. Views Ⅰ to Ⅳ below summarize some of those responses.
View Ⅰ The supreme twentieth-century statesman and politician, presiding with ease over the nation, and representing Australia abroad with dignity and aplomb.
View Ⅱ Authoritarian despite his professed liberal beliefs, he was the enemy of the workers, who stayed in office for seventeen years through a combination of unscrupulous opportunism, remarkable good luck, and the gullibility of the Australian people.
View Ⅲ Menzies imposed the values of a bygone age on Australia, with his devotion to Britain and the British monarchy, and his cautious conservatism. He suppressed a new, creative, energetic ge
A. Ⅰ
B. Ⅱ
C. Ⅲ
D. Ⅳ


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