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发布时间:2023-10-22 17:44:12

[填空题]Your mother will only feel close to you if you respect her opinion and agree with her.

更多"Your mother will only feel close to"的相关试题:

[填空题]Your mother will only feel close to you if you respect her opinion and agree with her.


How might your adviser feel if you keep on mentioning this kindness The advisor might feel ______ .
[填空题]How might your ,adviser feel if you keep on mentioning this kindness The advisor might feel ______.
[单项选择]  Do you ever feel as though you spend all your time in meetings   Henry Mintzberg, in his book The Nature of Managerial Work, found that in large organizations managers spent 22 per cent of their time at their desk, 6 per cent on the telephone, 3 per cent on other activities, but a whopping 69 per cent in meetings.   There is a widely-held but mistaken belief that meetings are for "solving problems" and "making decisions". For a start, the number of people attending a meeting tends to be inversely proportional to their collective ability to reach conclusions and make decisions. And these are the least important elements.   Instead hours are devoted to side issues, playing elaborate games with one another. It seems, therefore, that meetings serve some purpose other than just making decisions.   All meetings have one thing in common: role-playing. The most formal role is that of chairman. He sets the agenda, and a good chairman will keep the meeting running on time and to the point
A. talks as much as participants.
B. is usually a "constant talker".
C. prefers to take the role of an observer.
D. is frequently outshone by participants.
[简答题]Only when you make every effort and do your best ______(才能获得学业上的成功).

[填空题]It is only when you see that with your own eyes ______ (你才能完全明白他有多么爱你).

[填空题]You can improve your speak only through practice. 76. ______.
Firstly, don’t think too much grammar when ou speak. 77. ______.
You try to speak the key words, if you can not speak the whole 78. ______.
sentence, but you must speak the key words clear and correctly. 79. ______.
Secondly, pay attention to the different rhythms(节奏) among 80. ______.
English and Chinese. We Chinese tend to stress the words equally, 81. ______.
since the English words in the sentence tend to be stressed quite 82. ______.
differently. The words with important information is normally 83. ______.
stressed. Lastly, try to use your gesture and your facial 84. ______.
expressions to go to your verbal communication. 85. ______.


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