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发布时间:2024-01-25 02:18:38

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Countries at all levels of economic development face a similar challenge: to make their industries competitive in an increasingly integrated global economy. Despite sharing the same overall goal, though, countries face distinctive geographical issues in ensuring that their industries compete effectively. Industries in relatively developed countries must protect their markets from new competitors. Countries once governed or still governed by communist parties must prepare their industries to compete in a global market-driven economy. Developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America must identify new markets and sources of revenue to generate industrial growth.
Competition among blocs Industrial competition in the relatively developed world increasingly takes place among blocs of countries. Countries within three groups—North America, Western Europe, and East Asia—cooperate more extensively with each o
A. hinder foreign companies from selling in Japan
B. promote selling in Japan
C. maintain balanced trade with other countries
D. operate factories in other countries

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{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Countries at all levels of economic development face a similar challenge: to make their industries competitive in an increasingly integrated global economy. Despite sharing the same overall goal, though, countries face distinctive geographical issues in ensuring that their industries compete effectively. Industries in relatively developed countries must protect their markets from new competitors. Countries once governed or still governed by communist parties must prepare their industries to compete in a global market-driven economy. Developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America must identify new markets and sources of revenue to generate industrial growth.
Competition among blocs Industrial competition in the relatively developed world increasingly takes place among blocs of countries. Countries within three groups—North America, Western Europe, and East Asia—cooperate more extensively with each o
A. There is free movement of goods across borders in North America.
B. East Asia is the area with the most extensive cooperation.
C. The three blocs have taken measures against competition from the outside.
D. Ford cars running in the U.S. might be manufactured abroad.
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

We all believe in something or someone. We must believe, just as we must eat, sleep, and reproduce. Mankind has an insatiable need for and an irresistible attraction to a vast array of beliefs about gods and demons, magic and miracles, truth and falsehood, love and hate, similarity and difference. Implausible, even irrational ideas, have been cherished for centuries. Saints and other martyrs suffered indescribable pain and agony, even death, for their beliefs. Scientists have been put to death for their belief that the earth is round, or that there is an invisible force called gravity, or that the earth is not the center of the universe with the sun revolving around it, or that the blood circulates throughout the body, or that Man evolving around it, or that the blood circulates throughout the body, or that Man evolved from lower forms of life. Religious leaders have attracted millions of people with their version
A. Faith.
B. Trust.
C. Security.
D. Hope.
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

All along the chain of biological evolution, the extinction of species appears to have been a stage in the process of adapting genetic lineages to changing environmental conditions. Although some catestrophic extinction occurred naturally, producing total loss of a genetic line, such catastrophes were comparatively rate. In modern times, however, human activities have altered the fundamental nature of this process, resulting in nearly total genetic losses.
It is not difficult to gain general agreement that man - induced increases in the endangerment and extinction of wildlife--whether due to habitat alteration or loss, pollution, insufficiently regulated hunting, or other factors--are undesirable. It is, however, more difficult to obtain consensus when consideration is given to the economic costs of correcting such trends, including natural habitat preservation, regulation of pesticides and other toxic substa
A. The discharge of chemical wastes into streams as a result of industrial development.
B. Large - scale housing development.
C. Poor coordination of international efforts at park and refuge management.
D. Introduction of species into environments.
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

We all have offensive breath at one time or another. In most cases offensive breath {{U}}emanates from{{/U}} bacteria in the mouth, although there are other, more surprising causes.
Until a few years ago, the most doctors could do was to counsel patients with bad breath about oral cleanliness. Now they are finding new ways to treat the usually curable condition.
Bad breath can happen whenever the normal flow-of saliva (唾液) slows. Our mouths are full of bacteria feeding on protein in bits of food and shed tissue. The bacteria emit smelling gases, the worst of which is hydrogen sulfide (硫化物).
Mouth bacteria thrive in airless conditions. Oxygen-rich saliva keeps their numbers down. When we sleep, for example, the saliva stream slows, and sulfide producing bacteria gains the upper hand, producing classic "morning breath".
Alcohol, hunger, too much talking, breathing through the mouth during ex
A. thrive on
B. account for
C. originate from
D. descend from
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

We all know that programming language is the system of syntax, grammar, and symbols or words used to give instructions to a computer. Because computers work with binary numbers, first-generation languages, called machine languages, required the writing of long strings of binary numbers to represent such operations as add, subtract, and compare. Later improvements allowed octal, decimal, or hexadecimal representation of binary strings. It is difficult to write error-free programs in machine language; many languages have been created to make programming easier and faster. Symbolic, or assembly, languages-- second-generation languages-- were introduced in the early 1950s. They use simple mnemonics such as "A" for add or "M" for multiply, which are translated into machine language by a computer program called an a
A. it is used in designing software.
B. it is hardware-independent.
C. is should be translated into the computer language by software.
D. it is designed to solve some specific problem.
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}
We all know that the normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7~8 hours’ sleep alternating with some 16~17 hours’ wakefulness and that, broadly speaking, the sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness. Our present concern is with how easily and to what extent this cycle can be modified.
The question is no mere academic one. The ease, for example, with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a question of growing importance in industry where automation calls for round-the-clock working of machines. It normally takes from five days to one week for a person to adapt to a reversed routine of sleep and wakefulness, Sleeping during the day and working at night. Unfortunately, it is often the case in industry that shifts are changed every week: a person may work from 12 midnight to 8 a.
A. Body temperature may serve as an indication of a worker’s performance.
B. The selection of a number of permanent night shift workers has proved to be the best solution to problems of the round-the-clock working system.
C. Taking body temperature at regular intervals can show how a person adapts to the changes of routine.
D. Disturbed sleep occurs less frequently among those on permanent night or day shifts.


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