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发布时间:2023-10-23 04:37:40

[单项选择]The successful completion of the invention is the result of the cooperation and confidence of all the staff.()
A. 全体人员的合作和信任导致了此项发明的成功。
B. 成功地完成此项发明是全体人员互相合作、互相信任的结果。
C. 这项发明成功了,结果使全体人员更加合作、更加信任。
D. 此项发明很成功,是因为全体人员互相合作、互相信任。

更多"The successful completion of the in"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The successful completion of the invention is the result of the cooperation and confidence of all the staff.()
A. 全体人员的合作和信任导致了此项发明的成功。
B. 成功地完成此项发明是全体人员互相合作、互相信任的结果。
C. 这项发明成功了,结果使全体人员更加合作、更加信任。
D. 此项发明很成功,是因为全体人员互相合作、互相信任。
[单项选择]The successful completion of the book is the result of the cooperation and confidence of many people()
A. 许多人的合作和信任导致了这本书的成功。
B. 本书的写作很成功,是因为许多人互相合作,更有信心。
C. 成功地完成本书的写作是许多人互相合作、坚信不疑的结果。
D. 这本书成功了,结果使许多人更加合作、更加信任。
[填空题]Technological invention has directly or indirectly produced social change in every period of history. The invention of the horse collar in the Middle Ages was a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}technological advance for agriculture; the{{U}} (37) {{/U}}for use at sea so{{U}} (38) {{/U}}navigation in the fifteenth century that it led in the age of{{U}} (39) {{/U}}; and the steam engine was an {{U}} (40) {{/U}}factor in the industrialization of Europe in the nineteenth century. A discovery is another kind of technological{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. While inventions add something new to a culture, discoveries increase our knowledge of something that already exists. Gravity had always been there, but Newton "discovered" it: be{{U}} (42) {{/U}}how this natural force worked and how its laws{{U}} (43) {{/U}}to falling bodies. This knowledge made possible many new inventions. {{U}} (44) {{/U}}. Since each invention makes more inventions possible, the speed of technological development tends
[单项选择]Invention and innovation have been quintessentially American pursuits from the earliest days of the republic. Benjamin Franklin was a world-famous scientist and inventor. Cyrus McCormick and his harvester, Samuel F. B. Morse and the telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone—the 19th century produced a string of inventors and their world-changing creations. And then there was the greatest of them all, Thomas Alva Edison. He came up with the crucial devices that would give birth to three enduring American industries:electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures.
Much of the world we live in today is a legacy of Edison and of his devotion to science and innovation. Edison taught us to invent, and for decades we were the best in the world. But today, more than 160 years after Edison’s birth, America is losing its scientific edge. A landmark report released in May by the National Scienc
A. Science and innovation is crucial to a nation’s power.
B. America will emerge as a stronger nation despite setabacks.
C. America will yield its superpower title to other countries in 21st century.
D. America’s deline in scientific edge is inevitable and irreversible.


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