发布时间:2024-07-28 06:28:32

[单项选择]James: I’’m dreadfully sorry, Nita. I didn’’t mean to offend. Nita: ______
A. I’ve got nothing to say about it.
B. Never mind. Forget it.
C. OK, I see.
D. Well, I’m much offended.

更多"James: I’’m dreadfully sorry, Nita."的相关试题:

[单项选择]James: I’’m dreadfully sorry, Nita. I didn’’t mean to offend. Nita: ______
A. I’ve got nothing to say about it.
B. Never mind. Forget it.
C. OK, I see.
D. Well, I’m much offended.
[单项选择]Speaker A: I’m dreadfully sorry, but I’ve burned a hole in the rug.
Speaker B:()。
A. How did you burn it With a cigarette end
B. Ok, why weren’t you more careful
C. Oh, that’s all right.
D. I’m sorry to hear that. Is the rug very expensive
[填空题]I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean ______ (hurt) you.
[简答题]Tom went to college. His brother James didn’t. James had a very weak heart. (compound-complex sentence )

M: Look, I’m sorry I didn’t turn up for the match yesterday, but it wasn’t really my fault, you know.
W: It’s all very well saying it wasn’t your fault, but thanks to you we lost 8 to 1.

What do we learn from the conversation( ).
A. The woman blames the man for his absence.
B. The woman thinks that everything was all right.
C. The woman thanks the man for his efforts.
D. The woman doesn’t think it was the man’s fault.
[单项选择]At first he didn’t mean ( ) part, but he couldn’t resist ( ) a try.
A. to take, having
B. taking, to have
C. to take, to have
D. taking, having
[填空题]He said he felt sorry that he didn’t arrive on time. (apologize) ______.
Waiter: I’m sorry. Didn’t you order fried shrimp(虾子)
Customer: I ordered fried chicken.
Waiter: Oh, all I heard was fried shrimp. Let me have kitchen redo this for you.
A. Sorry, this isn’ t my dish.
B. Excuse me, this isn’ t what I paid for.
C. Sorry, this isn’ t my order.
D. Excuse me, this isn’ t what I ordere
[填空题]I didn’ t mean (take)()a taxi but I had to as I was late.
[填空题]I didn’ t mean (take) ______ a taxi but I had to as I was late.
[简答题]Sorry I didn’’t realize________________(这是个如此敏感的问题) .
[单项选择]What does the man mean
A. He didn’t hear clearly.
B. He felt sorry.
C. He didn’t know the woman.

M: I’m really very sorry, you didn’t enjoy the movie. Did your husband feel the same way about it
W: No—quite the opposite.

How did the woman and her husband feel about the movie()
A. He liked it, but she didn’t.
B. She liked it, but he didn’t.
C. Both of them liked it.
D. Neither of them liked it.
What does the woman mean [A] She is sorry because she took the money away. [B] She is sorry for what happened. [C] She is sorry because she doesn’t understand.


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