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发布时间:2024-07-28 06:25:14

[多项选择]For 2 or 3 candidates
I’m going to describe a situation,

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[多项选择]For 2 or 3 candidates
I’m going to describe a situation.
[多项选择]For two or three candidates
I’m going to describe a situation.
[填空题]Tonight I’ll go to a party, so I’m going to have my hair ______ (cut) now.
[单项选择]I’m going to () bank. I’m going to () Lloyd’s Bank.
A. the/the
B. the /-
C. -/the
D. -/-

W: What are you going to order
M: I’d like a salad and a cup of coffee.
W: Oh, just a salad and a cup of coffee. Is that all you want Why not try some other food
M: Yes, to tell you the truth: I’m going on a diet, my doctor told me that I should lose some weight because I’m too heavy and that’s not healthy.
W: How do you feel now
M: I feel fine. In fact, I’ve never felt better. And what’s more, some of my old clothes would fit me if I lost about 50 pounds.
W: How long will that take you
M: Well, I’ve just started my diet, so it may take me six months to get down to my proper weight.
W: Do you plan to eat nothing but salads for six months
M: Surely not. I’ll be able to eat fruits and certain meat and dairy products, but most important, I should never eat anything between meals and I should not eat anything containing sugar.
W: Then you probably won&
A. At home
B. At the woman’s house
C. On the street
D. At a restaurant


M: Jane, I’m going to stop smoking when I finish this cigarette.
W: But why are you telling me
M: I need some help. If I tell all my friends I won’t smoke in front of them, I think they will help me.
W: I will stop you whenever you want to smoke.
M: Thanks, Jane.
W: But why don’t you stop now
M: You’re right! I’ll stop right now.

What does the man plan to do ()
A. He plans to give the woman some help.
B. He plans to give up smoking.
C. He plans to call all his friends.
D. He plans to advise all his friends to give up smoking.


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