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发布时间:2023-09-27 16:20:57

[填空题]This is not true. If this (be) ______ true, I would be sorry for it.

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[填空题]This is not true. If this (be) ______ true, I would be sorry for it.

M: what can I do for you
W: I want a skirt. Would you show me some
M: What do you think of this expensive one
W: I am sorry but I am afraid I don’t like it.
M: How about that one
W: Good! How much does it cost
M: 65 dollars.
W: Only 65 dollars! That is very cheap.
M: How many do you want
W: I’ll take two.

What did the woman want to buy()
A. A cheap shirt.
B. An expensive shirt.
C. A cheap skirt.
Maurice Porter: I propose to ban tobacco. It would be done in three stages. First tobacco taxes should be sharply increased and tobacco goods would be banned. Then smoking in public places would be forbidden, and all the tobacco companies would be nationalized by the Government. Finally, all the factories would be closed and the sales of tobacco would be a crime. Banning of tobacco becomes an urgent task as the smokers are becoming younger and younger. I recently found that there were quite a few young girls smoking in the street, waiting for their buses or just getting around. We should be responsible for our people’s health problem. We should be responsible for our younger generation.Peter Stone: Let’s look at this from an economic point of view. Mr. Potter’s plan to nationalize the tobacco companies would cost the Government a lot of money. If the factories were closed, all the money would be wasted. The Government would lose all th

M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them
W: A few It looks like you bought out the bookstore.

What does the woman mean()
A. She didn’t like the books the man bought.
B. There wasn’t a large selection at the bookstore.
C. The man bought a lot of books.
D. She wanted to see what the man bought.

M:I don’t enjoy the TV program Would you please turn it off for me please
W:Certainly. Would you like to listen to some music instead

What do we learn from the conversation()
A. The woman enjoyed this TV program.
B. The man didn’t like the TV program.
C. The woman didn’t want to listen to music.
D. The man wanted to listen to some music.
[填空题]I feel like(go)______for a walk after supper. Would you like to come
[单项选择]Nothing he told me is true; I’m angry that he()the whole story.
A. made up
B. made out
C. made for
D. made sure
[单项选择]Text 2
If national health insurance would not cure the problems of the American healthcare system, what, then, is responsible for them Suspicion falls heavily on hospitals, which make up the largest component of the system. In 1988 hospitals accounted for 39% of all health expenditures-more than doctor, nursing homes, drugs, and home health care combined.
Although U. S. hospitals provide outstanding research and frequently excellent care, they also exhibit the classic attributes of insufficient organizations: increasing costs and decreasing use. The average cost of a hospital stay in 1987—$3,850—was more than double the 1980 cost. A careful government analysis published in 1987 revealed the inflation of hospital costs, over and above general price inflation, as a major factor in their growth, even after allowances were made for increases in
A. is working smoothly
B. is the best system in the world
C. is not working efficiently
D. in on the point of collapses


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