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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:41:54

[单项选择]Other garments use a nickel-and-titanium (镍和钛)shape-memory alloy to move shinning panels of fabric as if they are breathing, like coral (珊瑚) shifting with the tide. "Clothing becomes the interface to tell a story," says British haute tech (服装科技) designer Di Mainstone, an artist in residence at New York’s Eyebeam studio.
One of Mainstone’s newest projects, Sharewear, stems from the idea that in today’s fast-paced society, time for "intimate homey encounters" is limited. So Mainstone created a costume made up of modules inspired by icons of the home, like the armrest of a favorite sof
A. Which of the following is Mainstone’s thought according to the passage Haute tech clothing can tell stories to people.B. Haute tech designs should look cool.C. Clothing serves both to shelter and define us.D. We often ignore the beauty in familiar things.

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[填空题]The researchers found wearing the new pendant-shaped device will ______ the effects of electromagnetic forces.

[单项选择]By using their trunks, elephants can tell the shape of all object and ______ is rough or smooth, or hot or cold.
A. it
B. whether it
C. how
D. since it

W:What’s the matter Your bike is in bad shape.
M: It was hit by a car yesterday.
W: Good God! Were you hurt
M: I’m all right.I was not riding it then.
W: Oh.good for you!But what happened
M: I was in a hurry yesterday and I put the bike at the back of a car.
W: The driver didn’t see it and…
M: And the bike was run over by the car.Both its wheels were damaged.They are being repaired now.
W: It was lucky that you didn’t get hurt.
M: Yeah.But it’s a pity I can’t ride my bike this weekend.
W: Oh.Did you have a weekend plan
M: Yeah.I planned to go sightseeing with friends by bike.
W: Well.you can use mine if you’d like to.
M: Thank you very much.

What happened to the man’s bike ( )
A. It was damaged by him.
B. It was damaged by a car.
C. It was wasted.
[简答题]They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us.
A. 嵌体
B. 半冠
C. 烤瓷熔附金属全冠
D. 桩冠
E. 3/4冠
[判断题]钨钛钴合金是由碳化钨、碳化钛和钴组成。( )
[判断题]钛及钛合金的耐腐蚀性仅次于不锈钢。( )


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