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发布时间:2024-07-01 02:31:54

[简答题]{{B}} Both the country and the city have their own attractions. Where do you prefer to live In the city or in the country {{/B}} {{I}} Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of 200 words on the following topic:{{/I}} {{B}} Where to Live, in the City or in the Country {{/B}} {{I}} You are to write in three parts: In the first part, state what you think is the best way. In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons. In the third part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.{{/I}}

更多"{{B}} Both the country and the ci"的相关试题:

[多项选择] Both the country and the city have their own attractions. Where do you prefer to live In the city or in the country
Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of 200 words on the following topic:
Where to Live, in the City or in the Country
You are to write in three parts:
In the first part, state what you think is the best way.
In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons.
In the third part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[单项选择]Which country and its city have the same name
[填空题]A. Have you planned to another city B. What are you doing
C. When would you be leaving D. Where have you been
E. Would you be interested in joining me F. Did you know that
G. Don’t you want to invite someone H. That was part of my plan
Eloise: What are you doing this weekend
Helen:I am not sure. (56)
Eloise:I was thinking of maybe taking a drive to the beach.
Helen:That sounds like a great idea!
Eloise: (57)
Helen:Sure,I would love to go with you. (58)
Eloise:I thought that we could leave around 8:00 on Saturday morning.
Helen:That would give US plenty of time to explore. (59) there is a music festival on the beach in Santa Barbara
Eloise: (60)
Helen: Well then,I’ll see you on Saturday.Thanks for asking me to go with you.

[简答题]{{B}}Tell me about a city you have visited. You should say: where the city is and when you went there what people can see and do in that city why that city is special and explain why your visit to that city was memorable.{{/B}} You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You will have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

Robots have been the stuff of popular culture for so long that We think of them mostly as a fun. In the next decade they will finally become practical beyond factory assembly lines. Granted, they won’t perform the wonderous stunts they do in movies; the first generation of "real" robots may seem a bit crude. But by the end of the decade, we may well encounter tiny robots cooking hamburgers in fast - food restaurants, mopping up shopping malls, even delivering meal trays in hospitals.
Two factors are pushing the development of robotics: technology and economics. Artificial intelligence is the key to a successful robot, but some of the simplest tasks for a human mind are difficult for a robot. One example: the ability to look at the comer of a room, where walls and ceiling meet, and know that the corner goes in, not out. Easy for humans, very tough for real -world R2D25. But new neural-network computers,
A. they may cook hamburgers in the restaurants
B. they can perform wonderous skill as shown in science fiction film
C. they may deliver meal trays in hospitals
D. they may do some moppings in the shopping center
[单项选择]Clever, rich or both -- almost every country in the world has some sort of programme to attract desirable migrants. The only exceptions are "weird places like Bhutan" says Christian Kalin of Henley & Partners, which specializes in fixing visas and passports for globe-trotters. Competition is fierce and, as with most things, that lowers the price and increases choice. Britain has two programmes, one for the rich -- who have to invest £ 750,000 ($1.36m) in actively traded securities -- and one, much larger, for talented foreigners.
Both have worked well. Unlike some other countries, Britain does not make applicants find a job first: with good qualifications, they can just turn up and look for work. That helps keep Britain’s economy flexible and competitive. But now a bureaucratic snag is threatening the scheme.
The problem comes with anyone wanting to convert his visa into "indefinite leave to remain" (Britain’s equivalent of America’s Green Card). This normally requires four y
A. tightening rules on passports should be insisted.
B. new policy for the immigrants comes in accidentally.
C. their attitude should be in conflict with that of the government’s.
D. more user-friendly system is of great importance.


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