Cordia Harrington was tired of standing up all day and
smelling like French fries at night. She also owned and operated three
McDonald’s franchises (特许经销商) in Illinois, but as a divorced mother of three
boys, she yearned for a business that would provide for her children and let her
spend more time with them.
Her turning moment struck, strangely
enough, after she was nominated in 1992 to be on the McDonald’s bun committee.
"The other franchisees, all men, thought that was funny because of the word
bun," she re calls. "But the joke was on them: They didn’t know the company
would be picking me up in a corporate jet to see bakeries around the world.
Every time I went to a meeting, I loved it. This was global!" The experience
opened her eyes to business possibilities. When McDonald’s decided it wanted a
new bun supplier, Harrington became determined to win the contract, even though
she had no experience running a bakery. "You see a tiny crack in