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发布时间:2023-11-03 20:21:45

Continuing to Heal After Returning to Work

You are on medical symptom.after learning that you have cancer,and you plan to return to work after your treatment.Should you return full time or part time According to the American Cancer Society,a great number of workers who receive a (21) of cancer do retum to their jobs during or after treatment. (22) ,it’s better to come back in stages rather than all at once.Doctors (23) working two or three days the first week and then returning to full time from there, (24) ,on the energy level.After all,you can’t just walk into the office and expect to (25) .at the same level you did before treatment.Just because you are healthy enough to go back to work doesn’t mean you are necessarily ready to work eight hours (26) .a roW.
What if you have to come back full time for financial reasons How do you (27) .feeling sick or tired on the job You’d better be
A. stop
B. cope
C. handle
D. keep

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Continuing to Heal After Returning to Work

You are on medical symptom.after learning that you have cancer,and you plan to return to work after your treatment.Should you return full time or part time According to the American Cancer Society,a great number of workers who receive a (21) of cancer do retum to their jobs during or after treatment. (22) ,it’s better to come back in stages rather than all at once.Doctors (23) working two or three days the first week and then returning to full time from there, (24) ,on the energy level.After all,you can’t just walk into the office and expect to (25) .at the same level you did before treatment.Just because you are healthy enough to go back to work doesn’t mean you are necessarily ready to work eight hours (26) .a roW.
What if you have to come back full time for financial reasons How do you (27) .feeling sick or tired on the job You’d better be
A. symptom
B. diagnosis
C. cure
D. result
[单项选择]A. You had a good time after you finished the work.
B. You need more time to finish the job.
C. There was plenty of time to finish the work.
D. You have to finish the work in time.

M: Susan, are you going straight home after work today
W: No, I have a dinner date with a client until 7 o’clock, and after that I’ll have to spend a couple of hours in the office working on a legal document. It’s going to be a long day.
Q: What’s Susan going to do at night ()

A. She will have dinner with a client at 7 o’clock.
B. She will return to the office at 8 o’clock.
C. She will go home immediately after work.
D. She will go home around 9 o’clock.
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You’re short on cash, so you walk over to the automated teller machine (ATM), insert your card into the card reader, respond to the prompts on the screen, and within a minute you walk away with your money and a receipt. Have you ever wondered about the process that makes your bank funds available to you at an ATM on the other side of the country
ATM Card vs. Check Card
As an alternative to writing checks and using a credit card, most major banks have teamed up with major credit-card companies to issue check cards.
Check cards are different from straight ATM cards in a couple of ways. First,check cards are also known as debit cards because of how they work—instead of getting credit for your purchase and receiving a monthly bill,like you do with a credit card, a check/debit card deducts money from your checking or savings account.
Also, while you can only use your ATM card at the ATM machine (and some grocery stores), you can u


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