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发布时间:2023-10-22 15:32:26

[填空题]My sister speaks English as (fluent) ______ as my teacher.

更多"My sister speaks English as (fluent"的相关试题:

[填空题]My sister speaks English as (fluent) () as my teacher.
[填空题]My sister speaks English as (fluent) ______ as my teacher.
[简答题]I wish I could speak English as fluent as native speakers do.
[单项选择]He as well as my sister ( ) a student of English.
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. be
Who speaks English best of all
[填空题] A bank manager speaks
My name is Jane Carson and I’m the manager of a savings bank in Portland, Oregon. My bank is open every day from 8: 30 in the morning until 4: O0 in the afternoon. On Fridays the bank remains open until 6:30 in the evening.
Friday is our busiest day. Many people get their paychecks on Fridays and they come into deposit them. I find that on Fridays I have to keep six windows open all day long. My bank tries very hard to reduce the amount of time that customers have to waif for service. We have many signs to remind people that they need their passbooks for all transactions and that they must fill out their deposit of withdrawal slips completely. If our depositors cooperate with us we can accommodate them with as few delays as possible.
Of course, people do forget. The tellers inform me that many customers still forget to endorse their checks or try to open or close joint accounts with the signature of only one
[填空题]YOUNG Italian girl student speaks English and French, seeks post in a school or family, giving lessons or looking after children.
YOUNG man, once an officer, tired of uninteresting office work, is willing to go to any part of the world and to do anything legal; speaks several languages; drives all makes of cars; exciting work more important than salary.
MARRIED couple wanted Gardener, country house 2 miles from Oxford, good bus service; family three adults, five children; wages 9; comfortable rooms with central heating.
What kind of work is suitable for the Italian girl
Teach classes or ______.
[填空题]怪不得 he speaks English fluently. He often communicates with foreigners in English.


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