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发布时间:2023-10-17 12:49:23

[填空题]Mark was a student at Peking University from 1996~2000, during _______________________ (在这段时间里,他工作努力并很快当选为学生会主席).

更多"Mark was a student at Peking Univer"的相关试题:

[填空题]Mark was a student at Peking University from 1996~2000, during ______ (在这段时间里,他工作努力并很快当选为学生会主席).

[填空题]Kathy was a university student. Like most students she had very little money, but she wanted to buy a car. "If I can buy one really cheap that works," she thought, "I will save money on bus{{U}} (36) {{/U}}. Then I’ll have mom to spend on{{U}} (37) {{/U}}." She spent a day looking at cars in the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}car stores. Most of them were much too expensive for her to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}, but at last she found one for $250. The car was rather used and the paint was badly{{U}} (40) {{/U}}, but it worked. "It’s got a good engine," the salesman said, "and the gear box is O.K. Forget everything else." Kathy bought the car and drove it out of the car yard. Everything was wrong with it except for the engine and gear box, which worked very well. "As long as they work," Kathy thought, "nothing else{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. The salesman was right." {{U}} (42) {{/U}}, a few days later, while she was driving to her university, a police car drove up
[简答题]Directions: You are a university student and you want to apply for a part-time job -- a waiter or waitress in a fast-food restaurant. Write a letter to Mr. White, the boss of the restaurant describing your previous experience and explaining why you would be suitable for the job. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)
[单项选择]A university student in Nairobi, Kenya, was stopped for a traffic violation the other day. The policeman took out his ticket book and asked, "What tribe are you " In Lusaka, Zambia, a young man applying for a job was told to see the manager. He leaned over the receptionist’s desk and asked, "What tribe is he " When the receptionist told him that the manager was a Mashona, the applicant replied, "Then I’ll never get the job."
This phenomenon is called tribalism. There are more than 2,000 tribes in black Africa. Each has its own language, customs, names, and physical characteristics that make its members almost immediately recognizable to a person from another tribe. To the Westerner, tribalism is one of the most difficult of African customs to understand. It makes many people think of savagery, warfare, or old fashioned customs.
However, to most Africans, tribalism simply means very strong loyalty to one’s ethnic group. It is a force that can be both good and bad. By defin
A. Because he was a Mashona.
B. Because he was not a Mashona.
C. Because he could do the job.
D. Because he had no such ability.
[填空题]The students from Peking University told me that the professors encouraged them to think independently instead of ______________________ (把他们自己的思想强加给) them.


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