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发布时间:2023-10-08 03:51:49

My family wanted me home every other weekend, but I didn’t fit in there anymore. I’d argue constantly with my father, who still treated me like a child. My sister thought I was "uppity". Everyone was miserable, and I felt guilty. I decided to try treatment when my friends got fed up with me. They didn’t want to talk about my problems any more, but my problems were the major focus of my life. I needed someone who could help me understand what was happening to me. I’d seen ads for the counseling center and decided to give it a try.
When I took a part-time job and started living off-campus, my course work fell apart. I couldn’t concentrate or sleep, and I was always irritable and angry. When I began considering suicide, I knew I needed serious help. My resident advisor helped me call a local hotline where I got some good referrals. It was just a phone call, but it was the starting point that got me to the professional help I needed.

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My family wanted me home every other weekend, but I didn’t fit in there anymore. I’d argue constantly with my father, who still treated me like a child. My sister thought I was "uppity". Everyone was miserable, and I felt guilty. I decided to try treatment when my friends got fed up with me. They didn’t want to talk about my problems any more, but my problems were the major focus of my life. I needed someone who could help me understand what was happening to me. I’d seen ads for the counseling center and decided to give it a try.
When I took a part-time job and started living off-campus, my course work fell apart. I couldn’t concentrate or sleep, and I was always irritable and angry. When I began considering suicide, I knew I needed serious help. My resident advisor helped me call a local hotline where I got some good referrals. It was just a phone call, but it was the starting point that got me to the professional help I needed.

[单项选择]Every other week, new studies appear that either criticize or praise the roasted bean. Are there grounds for concern under the fragrant foam
Some people believe that coffee bean can lower the incidence of some diseases. First, the disease is diabetes. A study of 14,000 people in Finland which is the world’s greatest per-capita consumer of coffee found that women who drank three to four cups a day cut their risk of developing diabetes by 29 percent. For men, it was 27 percent. Researchers aren’t sure why, but suspect that the antioxidants in coffee help deliver insulin to the body’s tissues. Second, it can lower cancer. In Japan, a study of 90,000 people revealed those who drank coffee every day for ten years were half as likely to get liver cancer. Meanwhile, German scientists have identified an active compound in coffee that boosts enzymes thought to prevent colon cancer. Finally, it can also lower Parkinson’s disease. Researchers in Hawaii monitored the health of more than 8,
A. roast bean can cure disease.
B. roast bean is a good medicine.
C. more and more people want to drink coffee.
D. whether the roast bean is good or bad is also a question.
[单项选择]Every other week it seems a new study comes out that adds to our already-formidable store of parental worries. But even by those upgraded standards, the report issued last week by the federal government’s National Center for Health Statistics contained a jaw-dropper: the parents of nearly one of every five boys in the United States were concerned enough about what they saw as their sons’ emotional or behavioral problems that they consulted a doctor or a healthcare professional. By comparison, about one out of 10 parents of girls reported these kinds of problems.
The report confirms what many of us have been observing for some time now: that lots of school-age boys are struggling. And, parents are intensely worded about them.
What is bothering our sons Some experts suggest we are witnessing an epidemic of ADD (attention deficit disorder) and say boys need more treatment. Others say that environmental pollutants found in plastics, among other things, may be eroding their attent
A. it is useless sending boys to preschools
B. they should spend more time with their kids
C. the current way of educating children might have problems
D. their children face serious emotional or behavioral problems


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