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发布时间:2023-10-22 04:43:21

[填空题]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}
Passage One
{{B}} Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
BRITAIN’S universities are in an awful spin. Top universities were overwhelmed by the 24% of A-level applicants with indistinguishable straight As newer ones are beating the byways for bodies.
Curiously, both images of education—the weeping willows of Cambridge and the futuristic architecture of UEL—are cherished by the government. Ministers want to see half of all young people in universities by 2010 (numbers have stalled at 42%), without letting go of the world-class quality of its top institutions.
Many argue that the two goals are incompatible without spending a lot more money. Re searchers scrabble for funds, and students complain of large classes and reduced teaching time. To help solve the problem, the government agreed in 2
A. A.They are confident of changing it.
B.They are much disturbed by it.
C.They find it natural in the market.
D.They cherish it with a nostalgic mood.

更多"{{B}}Section B{{/B}}Passage One "的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}

{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}

A. Children will get absent-minded if they play video games.
B. Children will get healthier if they change their diet.
C. Children will improve their grades if they stop watching TV.
D. Children will lose weight if they spend less time watching TV.
[填空题]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}
Passage One
{{B}} Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
In 1951, Time magazine set out to paint a portrait of the nation’s youth, those born into the Great Depression. It doomed them as the Silent Generation, and a generally dull lot: cautious and obedient, uninterested in striking out in new directions or shaping the great issues of the day—the outwardly efficient types whose inner agonies the novel "Revolutionary Road" would analyze a decade later.
"Youth’s ambitions have shrunk," the magazine declared. "Few youngsters today want to mine diamonds in South Africa, ranch in Paraguay, climb Mount Everest, find a cure for cancer, sail around the world or build an industrial empire. Some would like to own a small, independent business, but most want a good job with a big firm, and with it, a kin
A. A.It increased the youth chances for a better job.
B.It increased the youth’s crisis awareness.
C.It made the youth learn to be mature.
D.It made the youth more patriotic.


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