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发布时间:2023-12-14 19:54:44

[填空题]The aim is to make education available to everyone,__________________(不论其经济状况如何).

更多"The aim is to make education availa"的相关试题:

[填空题]The aim is to make education available to everyone,__________________(不论其经济状况如何).

[填空题]The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ______ (不管他的经济状况如何).
[单项选择]Continuing education is important for everyone now, in all fields. Almost as soon as you’ve completed a field of study and begun working -- new ideas, approaches and techniques will be under discussion. To stay current in your discipline and to assure work success and career progression, it’s imperative you stay on top of emerging techniques and technologies that affect your work area. Even if you have worked in the same field for years and have accumulated a rich repertoire of experience, Continuing Ed is vital. Many occupations are now adopting "skill standards" that will formally define the knowledge desired or required for that field. In order to assure your ongoing career stability, you’ll want to be sure to keep current and at least meet, if not exceed, defined "skill standards". Certification, in a wide variety of fields, is becoming more and more common these days, too. Even if you’re already in the occupation -- if today’s new hires are expected to be certified in par
A. you have to stay current in your discipline
B. new ideas and technologies are to be discussed
C. you have just completed your studies
D. you are just beginning to work
[简答题]The aim of education or culture is merely the development of good taste in knowledge and good form in conduct. The cultured man or the ideal educated man is not necessarily one who is well-read or learned, but one who likes and dislikes the right things. To know what to love and what to hate is to have taste in knowledge. (81) I have met such persons, and found that there was no topic that might come up in the course of the conversation concerning which they did not have some facts or figures to produce, but whose points of view were appalling. Such persons have erudition (the quality of being knowledgeable), but no discernment or taste. Erudition is a mere matter of stuffing facts or information, while taste or discernment is a matter of artistic judgment. (82) In speaking of a scholar, the Chinese generally distinguish between a man’s scholarship, conduct, and taste or discernment. This is particularly so with regard to historians; a book of history may be written with


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