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发布时间:2023-10-23 00:47:03

[填空题]What is the most traditional food on this festival
() are the most traditional food.

更多"What is the most traditional food o"的相关试题:

[填空题]What is the most traditional food on this festival
()are the most traditional food.
[简答题] The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China, and Chinese have been accustomed to celebrating it at home. But now more and more people choose to travel during this most important festival.
Here is a discussion on this topic:
1) Some people think it is more interesting to travel during the Spring Festival.
2) Other people think it is better to stay at home with their families during the Spring Festival.
3) My opinion on this topic.
In your essay, you should use the three pieces of information mentioned above.
You should write 160~200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

[填空题]What festival is the most important one in China
()is the most important festival in China.
[填空题]What is the traditional food of the Lantern Festival

What is the most popular food in western countries If you are not sure, statistics might give you the answer.
Every year, some 20 million people walk into restaurants and buy 2 billion sandwiches. Americans alone eat more than 1 billion sandwiches annually. If you lined up all the sandwiches Westerners eat in a year, they would go around the world 13 times!
When John Montagu made the very first sandwich in England in 1762, he couldn’t have imagined that it would still be very popular almost 250 years later. There is a campaign starting this month in the US to find the healthiest and best tasting sandwich in the country.
Sandwiches are commonly carried to school or work in lunchboxes or brown paper bags to be eaten for lunch. They are also taken on picnics and hiking trips. Their longlasting popularity lies in their convenience
A. hamburger
B. sandwich
C. hotdog
D. sausage

What is the most popular food in western countries If you are not sure, statistics might give you the answer.
Every year, some 20 million people walk into restaurants and buy 2 billion sandwiches. Americans alone eat more than 1 billion sandwiches annually. If you lined up all the sandwiches Westerners eat in a year, they would go around the world 13 times!
When John Montagu made the very first sandwich in England in 1762, he couldn’t have imagined that it would still be very popular almost 250 years later. There is a campaign starting this month in the US to find the healthiest and best tasting sandwich in the country.
Sandwiches are commonly carried to school or work in lunchboxes or brown paper bags to be eaten for lunch. They are also taken on picnics and hiking trips. Their longlasting popularity lies in their convenience and fast preparation time.
You can put everything you want inside a sandwich. They are easy to clean-up after, nutrit
A. sandwich would still be very popular almost 250 years later
B. sandwiches are commonly carried to school or work in lunchboxes or brown paper bags to be eaten for lunch
C. sandwiches are easy to clean-up after, nutritious and come in hundreds of different kinds
D. you can put everything you want inside a sandwich


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