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发布时间:2023-11-13 19:11:58

[单项选择]The price of electricity produced using wind power is A. lower than the price of electricity produced using coal. B. expected to fall below that of electricity produced using coal. C. expected to fall to a level closer to that of electricity produced using coal.

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Using the wind to generate energy is often considered unfeasible. In Great Britain, however, wind power is no longer a subject for cranks and dreamers. (0)H The wind now generates enough electricity to supply 250,000 people. Power companies are investing heavily in the business and windmills are becoming a common sight. (9) Even though wind power is clean and does not produce any greenhouse gases, pressure groups are determined to prevent its spread.
The National Wind Power Company wants to develop a huge wind farm on the top of Flaight Hill, an extremely beautiful area of Northern England. If they are given the go-ahead, the company will erect 44 rotors there. (10) They complain that the 60 metre turbines will spoil one of Britain’s last remaining areas of natural beauty. They say that this is totally unacceptable. (11) They say that because the turbines are usually seen from some way away, th
Putting Plants to Work

Using the power of the sun is nothing new. People have had solar-powered calculators and buildings with solar panels for decades. But plants are the real experts: They’ve been using sunlight as an energy source for billions of years.
Ceils in the green leaves of plants work like tiny factories to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into sugars and starches, stored energy that the plants can use. This conversion process is called photosynthesis. Unfortunately, unless you’re a plant, it’s difficult and expensive to convert sunlight into storable energy. That’s why scientists are taking a closer look at exactly how plants do it.
Some scientists are trying to get plants, or biological cells that act like plants, to work as miniature photosynthetic power stations. For example, Mafia Ghirardi of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo., is working with green algae. She’s trying to trick
A. Plants are the real experts in producing solar energy.
B. Plants have been used to produce solar energy.
C. Plants have been using solar energy for billions of years.
D. Plants have been a source of solar energy.
[填空题]Burger King’s succeeded in using the power of repetition in their advertising.


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