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发布时间:2023-10-22 13:59:28

[填空题]Falling in love for the first time is like (discover) () a new universe full of pleasure and closeness.

更多"Falling in love for the first time "的相关试题:

[填空题]Falling in love for the first time is like (discover) ______ a new universe full of pleasure and closeness.
[填空题]The Indians at first did not like the Mission because they felt that it was in favor of______.

Programme of Activities for First Day
Time Place Event
1.......... Meet the Principal and staff
10.15 Talk by 2..........
10.45 Talk by 3..........
4.......... Classroom 5 5..........

[单项选择]Currently, the number of first-time admissions of individuals diagnosed as manic-depressives to hospitals in Great Britain exceeds by nine times the number of admissions of such patients to public and private hospitals in the United States, even though the population size of the United States is many times that of Great Britain.
Which of the following, if true, would be most useful to an attempt to explain the situation described above ?()
A. The term manic-depressive refers to a wider range of mentally ill patients in Great Britain than it does in the United States.
B. The admission rate in the United States includes those individuals who visit clinics for the first time as well as those who are admitted directly to hospitals.
C. A small percentage of patients diagnosed as manic-depressive in Great Britain are admitted to private nursing homes rather than hospitals.
D. The variety of training institutions in psychology in the United States is greater than in Great Britain, reflecting the variety of schools of psychology that have developed in the United States.
E. Seeking professional assistance for mental health problems no longer carries a social stigma in the United States, as it once did.

First-time dog owners may encounter (遇到) many problems getting to know and train their bets. Sometimes a puppy (小狗), or even an older dog, will chew their fingers or bite them. Even in play, this can really hurt. Unfortunately, many bet owners tolerate (容忍) this in a young dog. However when the dog gets larger, it is not fun to be bitten by it. Training a dog fever to place his teeth on human skin or clothing is an important lesson. From now on, if you feel your dog’s teeth while you are playing with him, say "ouch" in a loud voice and move away from him. He will soon learn that when he bites, you will not play with him any more.
Another bad habit that many people tolerate in their pets is allowing them to bite and held on to clothing. Don’t let your dog do this to you. When he does something you want him to do, praise him and tell him he’s a good dog. You can also give him a treat at the same time he performs the good behavior. Eventually he w
A. show dog owner how to behave
B. teach people how to train dogs
C. explain why a dog chews on something
D. show good dog behaviors

First-time dog owners may encounter (遇到) many problems getting to know and train their bets. Sometimes a puppy (小狗), or even an older dog, will chew their fingers or bite them. Even in play, this can really hurt. Unfortunately, many bet owners tolerate (容忍) this in a young dog. However when the dog gets larger, it is not fun to be bitten by it. Training a dog fever to place his teeth on human skin or clothing is an important lesson. From now on, if you feel your dog’s teeth while you are playing with him, say "ouch" in a loud voice and move away from him. He will soon learn that when he bites, you will not play with him any more.
Another bad habit that many people tolerate in their pets is allowing them to bite and held on to clothing. Don’t let your dog do this to you. When he does something you want him to do, praise him and tell him he’s a good dog. You can also give him a treat at the same time he performs the good behavior. Eventually he will
A. show dog owner how to behave
B. teach people how to train dogs
C. explain why a dog chews on something
D. show good dog behaviors
[填空题]The money will be spent on training first-time ______ to earn an honest living. (law, break)


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