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发布时间:2024-01-17 04:20:13

[填空题]Choose the appropriate letters A-C.Which of the following diagrams depicts a whorl pattern
A. [*]
B. [*]
C. [*]

更多"Choose the appropriate letters A-C."的相关试题:

[填空题]Choose the appropriate letters A-C.Which of the following diagrams shows a bifurcation ridge characteristic
A. [*]
B. [*]
C. [*]
[填空题]Choose the appropriate letters A-C.People usually have
A. a mixture of fingertip patterns which are identical on each hand.
B. a mixture of patterns with similarities between hands.
C. a different pattern on each hand.
[填空题]Choose the appropriate letters A-C.A single fingertip may have
A. more than a hundred patterns on it.
B. more than a hundred points of identification on it.
C. more than a hundred identities.
[填空题]Choose the appropriate letters A-C.The ridge lines on people’s fingertips are formed
A. during childhood.
B. according to the kind of work you do with your hands.
C. before birth.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Which of the following theories are supported by "hard science"
A. The wick effect theory
B. The static electricity theory
C. The pyroton theory
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Spontaneous human combustion is not accepted by the scientific community because
A. it is the least likely explanation.
B. it is impossible.
C. it defies the laws of God.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Believers in SHC base their belief on
A. the impossibility of a body catching alight from an external fire source.
B. the fact that an external fire source that hot would also bum the house down.
C. the fact that it is only possible to burn bodies in crematoriums.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.In 1663 Thomas Bartholin saw
A. a woman burn a bed in Paris.
B. a Parisian woman burn a straw mattress.
C. a woman burned to death on a bed.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Steve wants
A. anchovies on one and a half pizzas.
B. no seafood at all.
C. chilli flakes on the pizzas.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Marnie and Geoff believe that the topic of spontaneous human combustion
A. answers the mysteries of popular science.
B. provides a good example of differences between popular and scientific explanations.
C. is taken from the history of popular science.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Steve has hired
A. one horror and one western.
B. two horrors and one western.
C. two westerns and one horror.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.In most SHC cases the victim’s
A. entire body is destroyed by the flames.
B. head alone remains undamaged.
C. extremities remain untouched by the fire.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Mick is not fond of Pizza Hut or Domino’s pizzas because
A. the pastry is too doughy.
B. the base is too crusty.
C. the base has rust on it.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Steve’s girlfriend is
A. having a romantic night.
B. eating spaghetti with her grandparents.
C. at her grandparents’ house.
[单项选择]Circle the appropriate letters A-C.Steve doesn’t like Pizza Hut or Domino’s pizzas because
A. they use ham from the rubbish.
B. they don’t shred the toppings.
C. they shred the toppings.
Questions 14-15
Choose TWO letters from A-E for each answer.
14 & 15. Police advise the group of students to
A. chase the thieves if it is safe.
B. be more careful where they place their bags.
C. avoid shopping alone in the area.
D. avoid carrying too much money with them.
E. use credit cards as much as possible.


For each blank, choose the best answer from the four choices and write down on the answer sheet.
It is claimed that Al applications have moved from laboratories to the real world. However, conventional von Neumann computers are (66) for Al applications, because they are de- signed mainly for numerical processing. In a larger yon Neumann computer, there is a larger ratio of memory to processing power and consequently it is even less efficient. This (67) remains no matter how fast we make the processor because the length of the computation becomes dominated by the time required to move data between (68) and memory. This is called the yon Neumann (69) . The bigger we build the machines, the worse it gets. The way to solve the problem is to diverse from the traditional architectures and to design special ones for Al applications. In the research of future Al architectures, we can take advantages of many (70) or currently emerging concepts. i
A. existing
B. new
C. used
D. old-fashioned


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