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发布时间:2023-12-09 22:58:18

[填空题]Considerable evidence suggests that (学习好的往往是那些词汇量大的学生)____________________________________________________________.

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[填空题]Considerable evidence suggests that (学习好的往往是那些词汇量大的学生)____________________________________________________________.

[单项选择]Considerable research evidence suggests that students who are successful in school are those with enough self-confidence.()
A. 相当多的研究表明,学习成绩最好的学生就是那些有自信心的学生。
B. 深入的研究表明,在学校成功的学生是那些有足够自信心的学生拥有者。
C. 大量的研究证据表明,在学校学习最好的学生就是那些自信心强的学生。
D. 据调查所得证据,那些在学校成功的学生就是有着足够自信心的人。
A. 专业化公司
B. 劳务公司
C. 大型企业
D. 中小型企业
A. IgG
B. IgM
C. IgD
D. IgE
E. IgA
[判断题]编制预算定额时,对于那些主要的、常用的、价值量大的项目,分项工程划分宜细;次要的、不常用的、价值量相对较小的项目则可以放粗一些。( )
[单项选择]在编制预算定额时,对于那些常用的、主要的、价值量大的项目,分项工程划分宜细;次要的、不常用的、价值量相对较小的项目可以划分较粗,这符合预算定额编制的( )。
A. 平均先进性原则
B. 时效性原则
C. 保密原则
D. 简明适用原则
[单项选择]Armstrong suggests all the following preparations EXCEPT
A. looking at the mirror.
B. practising simulated interviews.
C. practising answering questions.
D. finding some of your strong points.
[填空题]Paragraph Two Happiness research suggests that neither very good events nor very bad events seem to change people’s happiness much in the long term. Most people, it seems, revert back to some kind of baseline happiness level within a couple of years of even the most devastating events, like the death of a spouse or loss of limbs.
[单项选择]Empirical evidence suggests that the security market line (SML) does not maintain a constant slope or intercept across time, creating valuation issues for securities analysts and portfolio managers. Which of the following will cause the slope of the SML to change or cause a shift in the SML Change in Slope Shift in SML() ①A. An increase in expected inflation A decrease in real growth ②B. A decrease in real growth An increase in the market risk premium ③C. An increase in the market risk premium Unexpected growth of the money supply
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Miss White suggests that.( )
A. He should outline his past better.
B. He should send his resume directly to the manager.
C. He should create a new area in his resume called" value offered".
D. He needn’t write different resume to different employers.
[单项选择]The latest research suggests that eating chocolate may not only lift your spirits, it may also be good for your heart.
A. 最新研究主张,吃巧克力不能起到提高情绪的作用,但是对心脏很有好处。
B. 最新研究表明,吃巧克力不仅可以提神,对心脏也有好处。
C. 最新研究主张,人们不要靠吃巧克力来振奋精神,因为其对心脏才有好处。
D. 最新研究表明,吃巧克力既能提高勇气,又对心脏有好处。
[填空题]The research suggests that people increase physical activity to a medium level and pay attention to the choices of their food and calorie intake to maintain ideal weight.
[单项选择]The author suggests that human resources management should be taught as a required subject in this school,along with science courses.
A. 作者建议,这所学校开设人力资源管理课程或是开设理科课程都是必要的。
B. 作者建议,除了理科课程之外,这所学校应将人力资源作为必修课开设。
C. 作者建议,作为学校的一门课程,人力资源管理应该在其他理科课程之后开设。
D. 作者建议,把人力资源管理作为一门必修课开设,纳入理科课程中。
[单项选择]The author suggests that Aristotle believed which of the following was true of the dramatic art that existed prior to Aeschylus
A. It was unusually resourceful in finding ways to extend the unity of time beyond a single day.
B. It was less elegant than later drama because its disregard for unity of place necessitates the movement of the chorus.
C. It tended to demonstrate better unity of time than of character and action.
D. It did not employ a beginning middle or end, and this fell outside the acceptable range of dramatic principles.
E. It tended to overemphasize the use of cause and effect, instead of the continuity of time, in organizing its action.
[填空题]Researchers have found more evidence that suggests a relationship between race and rates of lung cancer among smokers. Some (26) have shown that blacks arc more likely than whites to get lung cancer from smoking.
Researchers at the University of Southern California and the University of Hawaii did the new study. The New England (27) of Medicine (28) the findings.
The eight-year study (29) more than one hundred eighty thousand people. They provided (30) about their tobacco use and their diet as well as other information. They included (31) and former smokers and people who never smoked. Almost two thousand people in the study developed lung cancer.
Researchers say (32) might help explain the racial and ethnic differences. There could be differences in how people’s bodies react to smoke. But (33) influences, including the way people smoke, could also make a difference.


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