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发布时间:2024-07-31 07:53:30

[填空题]A flurry of rumor and gossip followed recent reports of a small plane hitting a high-rise apartment building on New York’s Upper East Side. Was it a helicopter or a plane Was it an accident or a (26) attack The pilot’s celebrity (27) added another strange twist as the rumor unraveled to substantiated fact.
The (28) of that unraveling, of people sorting out bits of fact and fiction, (29) Nicholas DiFonzo, professor of social and organization psychology at Rochester Institute of Technology and one of the leading experts on rumor and gossip research. He is (30) researching how rumors proliferate, (31) and die over time as part of a National Science Fotmdation-funded study.
In their recent book Rumor P~,chology, DiFonzo and co-author Prashant Borida, (32) professor of management at the University of South Australia, present new research and ideas about rumors, which they (33) from gossip

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[填空题]A flurry of rumor and gossip followed recent reports of a small plane hitting a high-rise apartment building on New York’s Upper East Side. Was it a helicopter or a plane Was it an accident or a (26) attack The pilot’s celebrity (27) added another strange twist as the rumor unraveled to substantiated fact.
The (28) of that unraveling, of people sorting out bits of fact and fiction, (29) Nicholas DiFonzo, professor of social and organization psychology at Rochester Institute of Technology and one of the leading experts on rumor and gossip research. He is (30) researching how rumors proliferate, (31) and die over time as part of a National Science Fotmdation-funded study.
In their recent book Rumor P~,chology, DiFonzo and co-author Prashant Borida, (32) professor of management at the University of South Australia, present new research and ideas about rumors, which they (33) from gossip
[单项选择]Schools have banned cupcakes, issued obesity report cards and cleared space in cafeterias for salad bars. Just last month, Michelle Obama’s campaign to end childhood obesity promised to get young people moving more and improve school lunch, and beverage makers said they had cut the sheer number of liquid calories shipped to schools by almost 90 percent in the past five years.
But new research suggests that interventions aimed at school-aged children may be, if not too little, too late. More and more evidence points to crucial events very early in life—during the toddler years, infancy and even before birth—that can set young children on an obesity track that is hard to alter by the time they’re in kindergarten. The evidence is not invulnerable, but it suggests that prevention efforts should start very early.
Among the findings are these: The chubby angelic baby who is growing so nicely may be growing too much for his or her own good, research suggests. Babies whose mothers sm
A. The supply of cupcakes has been stopped in schools.
B. There are more salad bars in school cafeterias.
C. Michelle Obama gave a speech on the stopping childhood obesity.
D. The calories in dnnks provided in schools have been greatly reduced.
[填空题]One more assistant will be required to check reporters’ names’ when they arrive at the press conference.

[简答题]Britain’s Cabinet Office released a sweeping report on the country’s food policy, and determined that Britons are wasting too much food. A third of the food bought for home consumption is wasted- 6.7 million tonnes. Most of this could have been eaten. Wasting food costs the average UK family £420 a year. Eliminating the unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions that this wasted food produces would be equivalent to taking one in five cars off UK roads. By using 60% of food thrown away by households, enough energy could be generated to provide power for all the homes in Glasgow and Edinburgh. This waste is adding to the rise in food prices, the report said, in a world where food output must rise dramatically. The report notes that, according to a report by the World Bank, cereal production needs to increase by 50 percent and meat production 80 percent between 2000 and 2030 to meet global demand. The report noted that food waste contributes to greenhouse emissions, partly because rotting
[填空题]Where and when did the worst earthquake ever reported happen


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