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发布时间:2023-10-15 19:06:35

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

The sense of honor appears to be dying.
In World War II men died more or less willingly for the nation and the nation’s honor, and they were honored for it in return. Now we have become cynical about such things, the nation lies, fights unjustifiable wars; the nation suffer a breach in the honor code.
At my college the students used to agree to inform on their friends rather than suffer a breach in the honor code.A sense of honor is a sense that there ’me standards of behavior one must live up to, even at the cost of one’s per send happiness, even at the Cost of one’s life. Without such a sense one has to make up one’s rights and wrongs as one goes along——usually, as it happens, to one’s own advantage. Morality thereby becomes a matter of expediency: nothing seems worth dying for, and life loses its beauty and some of its value.
Our recent history has deprived us of models. I cherish the story of
A. earlier in this century, giving one’s life for one’s country was not considered an honorable thing to do
B. in the author’s college days, students valued honor more than loyalty to one another
C. the author admires John Stubbs for his courage in objecting to the Queen’s marriage
D. the author himself is a person with the highest sense of honor

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{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

The sense of honor appears to be dying.
In World War II men died more or less willingly for the nation and the nation’s honor, and they were honored for it in return. Now we have become cynical about such things, the nation lies, fights unjustifiable wars; the nation suffer a breach in the honor code.
At my college the students used to agree to inform on their friends rather than suffer a breach in the honor code.A sense of honor is a sense that there ’me standards of behavior one must live up to, even at the cost of one’s per send happiness, even at the Cost of one’s life. Without such a sense one has to make up one’s rights and wrongs as one goes along——usually, as it happens, to one’s own advantage. Morality thereby becomes a matter of expediency: nothing seems worth dying for, and life loses its beauty and some of its value.
Our recent history has deprived us of models. I cherish the story of
A. loyalty is the best honor
B. it is the greatest honor to die for one’s belief
C. our recent history lack such models
D. even blood-shedding brings a person honor
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

The sense of honour appears to be dying. Who fights duels to defend his reputation anymore The idea merely strikes us as odd. How often does someone resign public office as a form of protest against his government’s policies about this or that Most of us submerge our consciences in the policies of our company or organisation (and in our own self-interest) and regard loyalty as more important than dishonour.
We had an honour code when I went to college; that was in the late 1950s. During exams no one monitored you: instructors came in, handed out the blue books, handed out the exams, and left. During the four years I was there, I can recall only one case of cheating. Students simply did not break the code.
In World War Il men died more or less willingly for the nation and the nation’s honour, and they were honoured for it in return. Now we have become cynical about such things; the nation lies, fights
A. more students cheat on exams now than in the past
B. each era has a different concept of honour
C. there are still many individuals today who have a sense of honour
D. our society no longer values a sense of honour
[单项选择]Text 2
The moon appears to warp the minds of some men. Despite putting men on the moon in 1969 America seems determined on re-enacting the space race, this time pitting its efforts against those of the Chinese. Now a Russian company claims it could develop a system to exploit the moon’s natural resources and potentially relocate harmful industries there. This is lunacy.
Russia certainly has great prowess in space. In its former guise as the centre of power in the Soviet Union it launched the first man-made satellite in 1957. In a spectacular follow up, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space in 1961. Another triumph came in 1968 when the Russians sent a spaceship to orbit the moon with turtles aboard, returning it and its living cargo safely to Earth. An unmanned Russian spacecraft also landed on the moon ahead of the first man
A. an effort to explore the universe.
B. a kind of insane state connected with the moon.
C. the ability to transfer harmful industries onto the moon.
D. the power to orbit around the moon.
[单项选择]Text 3
It’s easy to get the sense these days that you’ve stumbled into a party with some powerful drug that dramatically alters identity. The faces are familiar, but the words coming out of them aren’t. Something has happened to a lot of people you used to think you knew. They’ve changed into something like their own opposite.
There’s Bill Gates, who these days is spending less time earning money than giving it away--and pulling other billionaires into the deep end of global philanthropy(慈善事业) with him. There’s historian Francis Fukuyama, leading a whole gang of disaffected fellow travelers away from neoconservatism. To flip-flopis human. It can still sometimes be a political liability, evidence of a flaky disposition or rank opportunism. But there are circumstances in which not to reverse course seems almost pathological(病态的). He’s
A. Some people have changed into someone another.
B. Rhere are some drugs that can change one’s identity.
C. Some moneybags are pulled to act as philanthropist.
D. francis Fukuyama has become a great traveler.
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

In a very broad sense, legislation plays the same role in France as judicial decisions play in common law countries. Legislative rules provide the starting point from which lawyers and judges work toward their goal, the most just solution for the problem at hand. Usually the statute provides a clear answer to the problem. In those cases, the statute is strictly applied, more because it is just than because it is a statute. Because of this it often appears that legislation is the law and that the judge’s role is simply to apply automatically the ready-made solutions provided by the legislature. Nevertheless, there are a greatly many cases where the judge’s role is far from creative. The legislature sometimes deliberately speaks in very general terms; it has said that divorce can be obtained where there are serious grounds; contracts must be performed in good faith; a person must repair the damage caused another by h
A. it provides a just solution to a problem
B. statutes are laws, and must be obeyed
C. the judge’s role is always simply to apply automatically the ready-made solutions provided by the legislature
D. the role of the French judiciary is never really creative


How to Use the Sense of Smell

Our sense of smell, which we normally take for granted, is nowadays being increasingly used for purposes which might surprise us if we aware of them. One area in which smells are created to achieve particular results is marketing. For some time manufacturers have taken advantage of our sense of smell with regard to household goods. Millions of dollars are spent on product research in the hunt for the right smell as it is believed perfume influnences the way consumers perceive a brand. In a survey in the United States, when people were asked what was the most important factor in their choice of detergent (洗衣粉) , smell was rated highly, above ingredients and price.
Now stores are becoming even more direct in their use of smell. The smell of fresh bread in a supermarket tends to encourage people to buy, and people selling their houses are recommended to have coffee being heated when potential buyers arrive.
A. lemon
B. wood
C. melting butter
D. mint


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