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发布时间:2024-07-29 03:56:07

[填空题]Some people living in the north are used to ______(swim) in winter.

更多"Some people living in the north are"的相关试题:

[填空题]Some people living in the north are used to()(swim) in winter.

Why do some young people dislike living with their parents?
Because they think the old parents are () to them.

[简答题]Task 2 Some people think living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree
[单项选择]People are living longer than ever, but for some reason, women are living longer than men. A baby boy born in the United States in 2003 can expect to live to be about 73, a baby girl, about 79. This is indeed a wide gap, and no one really knows why it exists. The greater longevity (长寿) of women, however, has been known for centuries. It was, for example, described in the seventeenth century. However, the difference was smaller then—the gap is growing.
A number of reasons have been proposed to account for the differences. The gap is greatest in industrialized societies, so it has been suggested that women are less susceptible to work strains that may raise the risk of heart disease and alcoholism. Sociologists also tell us that women are encouraged to be Jess adventurous than men (and this may be why they are more careful drivers, involved in fewer accidents).
Even smoking has been implicated in the age discrepancy. It was once suggested that working women are more likely to s
A. Men’s lifespan remains almost unchanged.
B. Researchers have found the causes of the age gap.
C. The more advanced a society, the greater the age gap.
D. The age gap was noticed only recently.
[简答题]Who are the native people living in Australia
[填空题]Some people used to say that Dad had so many children that he couldn’t keep track of them. Dad himself used to (1) a story about one time (2) mother went off to fill a lecture engagement and (3) him in charge at home. When mother (4) , she asked him if everything had run smoothly.
"Didn’t have any trouble (5) with that one over there," he (6) . "But a spanking (打 屁股) brought him into line."
Mother could handle any crisis without (7) her temper.
"That’s not one of (8) , dear," she said. "He belongs to next door."
None of us remembers it, and maybe it never (9) . Dad didn’t always tell the (10) ., because there was nothing he liked (11) than a joke, particularly if it were (12) him and even more particularly if it were on mother.
Dad was happiest in crowd, (13) a crowd of kids. Wherever be was, you’d see a stri


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