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发布时间:2024-07-31 07:52:32

[简答题]The aim of education or culture is merely the development of good taste in knowledge and good form in conduct. The cultured man or the ideal educated man is not necessarily one who is well-read or learned, but one who likes and dislikes the right things. To know what to love and what to hate is to have taste in knowledge. (81) I have met such persons, and found that there was no topic that might come up in the course of the conversation concerning which they did not have some facts or figures to produce, but whose points of view were appalling. Such persons have erudition (the quality of being knowledgeable), but no discernment or taste. Erudition is a mere matter of stuffing facts or information, while taste or discernment is a matter of artistic judgment. (82) In speaking of a scholar, the Chinese generally distinguish between a man’s scholarship, conduct, and taste or discernment. This is particularly so with regard to historians; a book of history may be written with

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[简答题]The aim of education or culture is merely the development of good taste in knowledge and good form in conduct. The cultured man or the ideal educated man is not necessarily one who is well-read or learned, but one who likes and dislikes the right things. To know what to love and what to hate is to have taste in knowledge. (81) I have met such persons, and found that there was no topic that might come up in the course of the conversation concerning which they did not have some facts or figures to produce, but whose points of view were appalling. Such persons have erudition (the quality of being knowledgeable), but no discernment or taste. Erudition is a mere matter of stuffing facts or information, while taste or discernment is a matter of artistic judgment. (82) In speaking of a scholar, the Chinese generally distinguish between a man’s scholarship, conduct, and taste or discernment. This is particularly so with regard to historians; a book of history may be written with
[填空题]The aim is to make education available to everyone,__________________(不论其经济状况如何).

[填空题]S6. What is the aim of present-day adult education
[单项选择] Vocational Education   Vocational education refers to education for a particular occupation, industrialized countries have seen a fall in demand for unskilled workers, and an increase in jobs in the professional, technical, commercial and administrative sector. Vocational education is traditionally associated with trades and crafts: young people were apprentice to employers for a number of years and learned on the job. Today the focus has shifted from the workplace to secondary and higher education institutions and from employers’ to government provision and finance. Trainees in most occupations combine workplace training with study at a technical or academic institution. In the former Soviet Union, school and work were always strongly linked from primary school. Germany provides nine out of ten young people not entering higher education with vocational training, and training is planned from national down to locate level through joint committees of government representatives, employe
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


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