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发布时间:2023-10-22 19:24:46

[单项选择]A. Being forgotten. B. Being identical to other people.
C. Being insignificant. D. Running certain risks.

更多"A. Being forgotten. B. B"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Consider three corporate bonds that are identical in all respects except as noted: Bond F has $100 million face value outstanding. On average, 200 bonds trade per day.Bond G has $ 300 million face value outstanding. On average, 200 bonds trade per day. Bond H has $100 million face value outstanding. On average, 500 bonds trade per day. Will the yield spreads to Treasuries of Bond G and Bond H be higher or lower than the yield spread to Treasuries of Bond FBond G Bond H ()①A. Higher Higher②B. Higher Lower③C. Lower Lower
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Identical twin sisters have led British scientists to a breakthrough in leukemia research that promises more effective therapies with fewer harmful side-effects.
A. administers
B. nurtures
C. inspires
D. ensures
[单项选择]The brains of identical twins are genetically identical. When only one of a pair of identical twins is a schizophrenic, certain areas of the affected twin’s brain are smaller than corresponding areas in the brain of the unaffected twin. No such differences are found when neither twin is schizophrenic. Therefore, this discovery provides definitive evidence that schizophrenia is caused by damage to the physical structure of the brain.
Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument
A. The brain of a person suffering from schizophrenia is smaller than the brain of anyone not suffering from schizophrenia.
B. The relative smallness of certain parts of the brains of schizophrenics is not the result of schizophrenia or of medications used in its treatment.
C. The brain of a person with an identical twin is no smaller, on average, than the brain of a person who is not a twin.
D. When a pair of identical twins both suffer from schizophrenia, their brains are the same size.
E. (E) People who have an identical twin are no more likely to suffer from schizophrenia than those who do not.
[单项选择]Two companies are identical except for their accounting treatment of research and development costs. One company expenses all such costs immediately, while the other company capitalizes a portion of the costs. Compared to the company that capitalizes, the company that expenses immediately will most likely report a lower:()
A. financial leverage.
B. total asset turnover.
C. cash flow from operations.
The difference between being a manager and being a leader is simple. Management is a career. Leadership is a calling. You don’t have to be tall, well-spoken and good looking to be a successful leader. You don’t have to have that "special something" to fulfill the leadership role.
What you have to have is clearly defined convictions--and, more importantly, the courage of your convictions to see them manifest into reality. Only when you understand your role as guide and steward based on your own moat deeply held truths can you move from manager to leader.
Whether the group you oversee is called employees, associates, co-workers, teammates or anything else, what they are looking for is someone in whom they can place their trust. Someone they know is working for the greater good--for them and for the organization. They’re looking for someone not only that they can--but that they want to--follow.
Because it is only when you have follo
[填空题]Identical twins possess exactly the same set of genes. Yet as they grow older,
they may begin to display subtle differences. They may start to look different,
develop different diseases or slide into different persons. 1. ______.
Women who are identical twins may differ with their fertility or 2. ______.
the age at which they reach menopause. These discrepancies
usually attributed to ill-defined differences in environment. 3. ______.
But a whole new level of explanation has been opened up by a generic survey 4. ______.
showing that identical twins, because they grow older, differ increasingly in 5. ______.
what is known as their epigenome. The term refers to natural
chemical modifications that occur in a person’s genome shortly before 6. ______.
conception and that act on a gene as a gas pedal or a brake, marking it for highe


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