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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:23:15

[单项选择]Software design is a (46) process. It requires a certain amount of fl air on the part of the (47) . Design can not be learned from a book . It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well (48) software system is straightforward to implement and maintain , easily (49) and reliable. Badly (48) software systems, although they may work are (50) to be expensive to maintain , difficult to test and unreliable.

A. designer
B. user
C. computer
D. design

更多"Software design is a (46) process"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Software design is a (46) process. It requires a certain amount of fl air on the part of the (47) . Design can not be learned from a book . It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well (48) software system is straightforward to implement and maintain , easily (49) and reliable. Badly (48) software systems, although they may work are (50) to be expensive to maintain , difficult to test and unreliable.

A. create
B. creative
C. creating
D. created
[单项选择]software design is a (111) process.It requires a certain (112) of flair on the part of the designer.Design can not be learned from a book.It must be practiced and learnt by experience and’study of existing systems.A well (113) software system is straightforward to implement and maintain,easily (114) and reliable.Badly (115) software systems,although they may work are (116) 2 to be expensive to maintain,difficult to test and unreliable.
A. create
B. created
C. creating
D. creative

Software design is a (66) process. It requires a certain (67) of flair on the part of the designer. Design can net be learned from a book. It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well (68) software system is straight forward to implement and maintain, easily (69) and reliable. Badly (68) software systems, although they may work are (70) to be expensive to maintain, difficult to test and unreliable.

A. create
B. created
C. creating
D. creative

某公司采用基于架构的软件设计(Architecture-Based Software Design,ABSD)方法进行软件设计与开发。ABSD方法有三个基础,分别是对系统进行功能分解、采用()实现质量属性与商业需求、采用软件模板设计软件结构。 ABSD方法主要包括架构需求等6个主要活动,其中()活动的目标是标识潜在的风险,及早发现架构设计中的缺陷和错误;()活动针对用户的需求变化,修改应用架构,满足新的需求。 小王是该公司的一位新任架构师,在某项目中主要负责架构文档化方面的工作。小王()的做法不符合架构文档化的原则。架构文档化的主要输出结果是架构规格说明书和()

A. 架构风格
B. 设计模式
C. 架构策略
D. 架构描述
[填空题]Up till now, he (work) ______ on software design for 10 years.
[填空题]从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中( )内的正确的答案。
Software design is a
  • (A) process. It requires a certain
  • (B) of flair on the part of the designer. Design can not be learned from a book. It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well
  • (C) software system is straight forward to implement and maintain, easily
  • (D) and reliable .Badly(C) software systems, although they may work are
  • (E) to be expensive to maintain, difficult to test and unreliable.
    A: ① create ② created ③ creating ④ creative
    B: ① amount ② amounted ③ mount ④ mounted
    C: ① design ② designed ③ designing ④ designs
    D: ① understand ② understands ③ understanding ④ understood
    E: ① like ② likely ③ unlike ④ unlikely

[单项选择]A. Unique design.
B. User-friendly software.
C. Comprehensive controls.
D. User-friendly hardware.
[简答题]design studio


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