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发布时间:2023-10-22 17:40:49

[单项选择]There may have been few things that protesters, politicians and activists share, but during the G20 meeting, they were united by their use of Twitter. The micro-blogging service was heavily used by all those involved with the meeting, be they debating in the chamber, quizzing politicians after briefings, or protesting in the street.
Social media was in use prior to the event too. The Metropolitan Police analyzed activity on websites such as Facebook, MySpace and many others to see how many were likely to join the call for protests at the G20. Plans for how many policemen and women should be put on the streets during the G20 were drawn up with regard to this analysis.
But it was during the two-day event that social media, in particular Twitter, came in to their own. Thousands of messages marked with a G20 tag passed through Twitter and organizations such as Indymedia had their own tags ’that helped to examine information about what happened during the protests.
A. Twitter can ease their temper and stop the debate.
B. They all enjoy the benefit of the service provided by Twitter.
C. With Twitter’s help, they can avoid attending the meeting from anywhere.
D. They can get useful briefings from politicians by using Twitter.

更多"There may have been few things that"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There may have been few things that protesters, politicians and activists share, but during the G20 meeting, they were united by their use of Twitter. The micro-blogging service was heavily used by all those involved with the meeting, be they debating in the chamber, quizzing politicians after briefings, or protesting in the street.
Social media was in use prior to the event too. The Metropolitan Police analyzed activity on websites such as Facebook, MySpace and many others to see how many were likely to join the call for protests at the G20. Plans for how many policemen and women should be put on the streets during the G20 were drawn up with regard to this analysis.
But it was during the two-day event that social media, in particular Twitter, came in to their own. Thousands of messages marked with a G20 tag passed through Twitter and organizations such as Indymedia had their own tags ’that helped to examine information about what happened during the protests.
A. They collect data from the websites and make reasonable predictions.
B. They get the number of the activities organized on the websites.
C. They call for backups through the website when things go out of control.
D. They identify the potential protestors online and arrest them prior to the event.
[单项选择]Text 4 British scientists have been given £ 1 million by the European Commission to find out if a robot (机器人) can safely be employed to stir (搅拌) soup. The research, based at the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL), will look at the problems of a human and a robot working together in the same space; for example, in a kitchen where the service robot is performing a task such as stirring soup while you add cream. Professor Chris Melhuish explained, “When we work with other humans, we are trying to understand facial expression, body movements, quality of voice, as well as sharing a goal and understanding and following spoken instructions.” “For example, in the soup situation, not only does the robot need to know what the goal is (making the soup)but he also needs to know how hard to stir the soup, what it means when you hold up your hand to say enough ^ to understand the look of pain on your face if you accidentally get wet with hot soup, and to stop stirring when told. The res
A. understand human instructions
B. show feelings by the looks on its face
C. follow the thoughts in its master’s mind
D. express itself through body movements
[填空题]There have been a few serious()(disagree) between the two parties lately.
[填空题]There have been a few serious ______ (disagree) between the two parties lately.
[填空题]After you have been cycling for a few months, the author thinks that you will find cycling in towns less dangerous.

[单项选择]There have been three periods in the history of post-war broadcast interviewing. The first, "the age of respect", when it was an honour to have you, the interviewee, on the programme, lasted until the middle 50s. The second, "the age of supremacy", when politicians in particular looked upon the interviewers as rivals who made them feel uncomfortable by their knowledge and rigour of questioning, came to an end at the beginning of this decade. Now we are in "the age of evasion", when most prominent interviewees have acquired the art of seeming to answer a question whilst bypassing its essential thrust.
Why should this be From the complexity of causes responsible for the present commonplace interview form, a few are worth singling out, such as the revolt against rationality and the worship of feeling in its place. To the young of the 60s, the painstaking search for understanding of a given political problem may have appeared less fruitful and satisfying than the free expression of em
A. knew more about politics than they did
B. should be honoured to meet them
C. really were eager to be politicians too
D. gave them a difficult time in interviews

The term Silent Generation may have been unflattering, but it was not inaccurate. (46)In the ’50s, America seemed both workable and working, which allowed us the luxury of growing up in peace and security: Unlike those who preceded or those who followed us, we were not expected to fight or die for our country. The grievances of poverty, race and inequality were no less valid than they are today, but we were largely unaware of them. And so, for most of us, they did not exist.
We were incapable of hero worship. Those we most admired, in fact, were not real heroes but the antiheroes of fiction or film. (47)For us, coolness was all; we prided ourselves on being excellent critics, even of ourselves, as if we had a third eye looking in rather than out. We did not care so much what the good fight was, so long as it was waged with effortless style and nonchalance.
(48)Skeptical vision is a quality of the good journalist--and our generation has produ


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