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发布时间:2023-10-23 15:23:25

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

It is over five hundred years since Columbus "discovered" America. The celebration of the anniversary has at least produced one benefit. It has so effectively focused on the worldwide problem of the rights of aboriginal peoples. Developments in America demonstrate: the problem more clearly than anywhere else. This was a whole continent, the population of which in Columbus’s day may have numbered as many as 100 million. Today only a fraction of these Indian peoples survive, and any truly Indian culture can only be found isolated in small pockets. Why was the Indian culture less able than others to resist the European pressure Any processes elsewhere resembling the one in America have only taken place in more marginal areas of the world. Such processes are complex, and this is not the place for a more detailed analysis. What is clear, however, is that at certain times and in certain places we are confronted by a dif
A. its isolation from other cultures
B. the influence of infectious diseases
C. the result of avarice and cupidity
D. the genocide of the Indian people

更多"{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}} It is over five"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

It is over five hundred years since Columbus "discovered" America. The celebration of the anniversary has at least produced one benefit. It has so effectively focused on the worldwide problem of the rights of aboriginal peoples. Developments in America demonstrate: the problem more clearly than anywhere else. This was a whole continent, the population of which in Columbus’s day may have numbered as many as 100 million. Today only a fraction of these Indian peoples survive, and any truly Indian culture can only be found isolated in small pockets. Why was the Indian culture less able than others to resist the European pressure Any processes elsewhere resembling the one in America have only taken place in more marginal areas of the world. Such processes are complex, and this is not the place for a more detailed analysis. What is clear, however, is that at certain times and in certain places we are confronted by a dif
A. Turn has never hated Colonel Roderigues.
B. We have not well protected the rights of aboriginal peoples.
C. Turn was engaged but did not get married.
D. Stephen Spender understood the brutalizing effect of war.
[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
Over two hundred years ago, Adam Smith introduced some ideas which brought about a world revolution. If we enjoy a high standard of living in modern society, we owe much to this Scottish economist and philosopher. If we enjoy driving in beautiful cars, wearing fashionable shoes, or flying away to distant places for exciting holidays, we should perhaps pay thanks to the man who made it all possible.
What was Adam Smith’s contribution Like so many ideas which have surprising effects, his was a simple one. He watched workers practising their craft of pin making. One man would heat the strip of metal, stretch it out, cut off an appropriate length, shape it, cool it and finally smooth and shine it. Smith drew attention to the advantages which could be gained if these various tasks were performed by different workers. Let one be r
A. he started the industrial revolution
B. he invented a more efficient way of pin making
C. his ideas made it possible for people to improve their lives
D. he brought to people a high standard of living

Text 2

Over two hundred years ago, Adam Smith introduced some ideas which brought about a world revolution. If we enjoy a high standard of living in modern society, we owe much to this Scottish economist and philosopher. If we enjoy driving in beautiful cars, wearing fashionable shoes, or flying away to distant places for exciting holidays, we should perhaps pay thanks to the man who made it all possible.
What was Adam Smith’s contribution Like so many ideas which have surprising effects, his was a simple one. He watched workers practising their craft of pin making. One man would heat the strip of metal, stretch it out, cut off an appropriate length, shape it, cool it and finally smooth and shine it. Smith drew attention to the advantages which could be gained if these various tasks were performed by different workers. Let one be responsible for preparing the metal. Another for stretching and cutting. Another for shaping. Another for fini
A. his ideas made it possible for people to improve their lives
B. he invented a more efficient way of pin making
C. he started the industrial revolution
D. he brought to people a high standard of living

[单项选择] WHO: Many Children’s Deaths Preventable
Over five million children die each year from disease, infections and accidents related (1) their environment although many of these deaths are largely preventable, says the World Health Organization.
On Monday, the WHO asked governments and citizens around the world to take action’ to create healthy (2) for children as it celebrated world Health Day.
"The biggest threats to children’s health lurk in the very (3) that should be safest- home, school and community," said Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, director--general of the WHO at the day’s launch in New Delhi. India.
"Every child has the right to (4) up in a healthy home. school and community. The future development of our children -- and of their world-- depends on (5) enjoying good health now. We have their future in our (6) . Now we must work more effectively together to (7) the risks from the environment
A. sanitation n. (环境)卫生
B. hazard n. 危险,危害
C. drowning n.溺死
D. puppet n. 木偶


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