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发布时间:2023-10-17 15:49:06

[单项选择] It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality. Every experience teaches the child something and the effects are cumulative. "Upbringing" is normally used to refer to the treatment and training of the child within the home. This is closely related to the treatment and training of the child in schoo1, which is usually distinguished by the term "education". In a society such as ours, both parents and teachers are responsible for the opportunities provided for the development of the child, so that upbringing and education are interdependent. The ideals and practices of child rearing vary from culture to culture. In general, the more rural the community, the more uniform are the customs of child upbringing. In more technologically developed societies, the period of childhood and adolescence(青春期) tends to be extended over a long time, resulting in more opportunity for education and greater variety’
A. the cultural pattern is the single factor that affects a child’’ s upbringing in the home
B. by no means does the technological development of a community contribute to the development of children’’s character
C. there are advisable rules for parents to go by in bringing up their children
D. upbringing and education are mutually complementary

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[单项选择] It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality. Every experience teaches the child something and the effects are cumulative. "Upbringing" is normally used to refer to the treatment and training of the child within the home. This is closely related to the treatment and training of the child in schoo1, which is usually distinguished by the term "education". In a society such as ours, both parents and teachers are responsible for the opportunities provided for the development of the child, so that upbringing and education are interdependent. The ideals and practices of child rearing vary from culture to culture. In general, the more rural the community, the more uniform are the customs of child upbringing. In more technologically developed societies, the period of childhood and adolescence(青春期) tends to be extended over a long time, resulting in more opportunity for education and greater variety’
A. chiefly
B. by chance
C. entirely
D. seldom
[填空题]How it is generally accepted that different species are named.
[单项选择]It is generally accepted that migrant worker should have a share in the rewards for material and cultural advancements to which they have made contributions.()
A. 不言而喻,农民工应该享有一份回报,因为他们曾经为物质和文化作出过贡献。
B. 人们普遍认为,农民工对物质和文化的进步作出过贡献,应该分享其成果。
C. 毫无疑问,农民工有实力又有文化,他们都会主动为社会和文明多作贡献。
D. 毋庸置疑,农民工创造过物质和精神文明,他们应该享受各种奖励。
[填空题]It is generally accepted that old people should have a share in the rewards for material and cultural advancements to which they have made contributions.
A. A.不言而喻,老年人应该享有一份回报,因为他们曾经为物质和文化作出过贡献。

[填空题]As is generally accepted, economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.


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