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发布时间:2024-08-01 02:57:42

[单项选择]One day a man went into a chemist’s shop(药店)and said, "Have you anything to cure a headache "
The chemist took a bottle from a shelf, held it under the gentle man’s nose and took out the cork(瓶塞). The smell was so strong that tears came into the man’s eyes and ran down his face.
"What did you do that for he said angrily, as soon as he could get back his breath.
"But that medicine has cured your headache, hasn’t it " said the chemist.
"You fool, "said the man." It’s my wife that has the headache, not me!/

The chemist took a bottle and passed it to the man
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say

更多"One day a man went into a chemist’s"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One day a man went into a chemist’s shop(药店)and said, "Have you anything to cure a headache "
The chemist took a bottle from a shelf, held it under the gentle man’s nose and took out the cork(瓶塞). The smell was so strong that tears came into the man’s eyes and ran down his face.
"What did you do that for he said angrily, as soon as he could get back his breath.
"But that medicine has cured your headache, hasn’t it " said the chemist.
"You fool, "said the man." It’s my wife that has the headache, not me!/

The man went into a chemist’s shop to buy something to cure his headache.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
[单项选择]One day an old man walked into a tailor’s shop (服装店). He asked a shop girl to let him have a look at a new shirt on show, but the girl stood quietly behind the counter, taking no notice of him. The man spoke to the girl again, raising his voice a bit, but still received no answer. The man looked closely at the girl and nodded to himself, "I’m too old to see well. I can’t even tell a plastic model from a real girl!"
When she heard this, the rude shop girl shouted at the old man, "What . Did you call me a plastic model "
The old man was greatly surprised, "Oh, dear me," he said, "the model can speak! Then it must be a robot of a new type!/

An old man went to a shop to buy some clothes.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.

One day a man gave an ad. in most of the newspapers in England, saying that he himself was a young man of millions of pounds and of great knowledge. He’s like to choose a girl to be his wife, and the girl must be like the one in the books written by Somerest Maugham.
This ad. was at once known by thousands of parents and young girls. Parents went to bookstores to look for the book written by Somerest Maugham. They bought those books for their daughters as presents. Girls tried to get those books to read. They wanted to know what kind of person the rich man wished for.
Before long all the books written by Somerest Maugham were sold out and the writer was known all over the country.
Who was the richest man It was Somerest Maugham himself. The ad. saved his books, and it also made him famous.

Why did Somerest Maugham give the ad. in the newspaper ( )
A. He wanted to make himself a great storywriter.
B. He wanted to choose the best girl to be his wife.
C. He wanted to be the best bookseller and be rich.
D. He wanted to write more books.
[单项选择]One day a man came to a hospital.
"What’s the matter with you " asked the doctor.
"I have a headache every morning when I get up," said the man.
The doctor looked over him carefully. "Well, nothing serious now," he said. "But you must stop doing headwork for a week or so.
"But doctor, "replied the man. "It’s impossible, because it is my living."
"Oh, what a pity," said the doctor. "Are you a writer, then "
"Oh, no, said the man." I am a barber./

The doctor suggested the man to have more rest.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say


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