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发布时间:2024-08-01 01:26:46

[A] Separation of Hollinger
[B] Profits of newspaper
[C] The ideal business model
[D] Hollinger denies the rumor
[E] Difficult to share in the international market
[F] Lord Black sells his remaining local newspapers in Canada
HE HAS been selling newspaper titles in Canada. backing a new one in New York and trying to quash rumours that he is selling them in Britain. What exactly is Conrad Black, chairman of Hollingar, ex-Canadian, newly ennobled Briton, up to
Last month, Lord Black of Crossharbour. as he is now known, sold his remaining local newspapers in Canada. This came shortly after he had offloaded his residual 50% stake in the National Post, the Canadian daily paper he founded only in 1998, to Can West Global Communications. This Canadian media group had already picked up the other half last year, along with most of Lord Black’s other local newspapers in the country, for $1.8 billion

更多"[A] Separation of Hollinger [B] P"的相关试题:

[A] Separation of Hollinger
[B] Profits of newspaper
[C] The ideal business model
[D] Hollinger denies the rumor
[E] Difficult to share in the international market
[F] Lord Black sells his remaining local newspapers in Canada
HE HAS been selling newspaper titles in Canada. backing a new one in New York and trying to quash rumours that he is selling them in Britain. What exactly is Conrad Black, chairman of Hollingar, ex-Canadian, newly ennobled Briton, up to
Last month, Lord Black of Crossharbour. as he is now known, sold his remaining local newspapers in Canada. This came shortly after he had offloaded his residual 50% stake in the National Post, the Canadian daily paper he founded only in 1998, to Can West Global Communications. This Canadian media group had already picked up the other half last year, along with most of Lord Black’s other local newspapers in the country, for $1.8 billion
[单项选择]The new technological revolution on American newspapers has brought increased ______ , a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.
A. manipulation B. reproduction C. circulation D. penetration
[单项选择]On British Newspapers   1 Besides the daily newspapers, there are a number of Sunday newspapers in Britain. Many of them are connected with the “dailies”, though not run by the same editor and his members. The Sunday papers are larger than the daily papers and usually contain more articles concerned with comment and general information rather than news. The national daily and Sunday papers have the largest circulation in the world. Of the Sunday papers, the Observer and the Sunday Times are the best known.   2 It is a regrettable fact that the number of magazines of a literary or political nature has dropped down since the war. This has probably been caused by the ever-wider use of radio and television. The most successful magazines are those published for women. Their covers are designed to catch the eyes and they certainly succeed in doing so! They offer their readers articles on fashion, needle work and many other matters of women interest. They also provide advice to those in lov
A. A wide variety of books and magazines
B. The outline of British Newspapers
C. The cause for dropping
D. The most successful magazines
E. Deliver service
F. The Sunday papers
[单项选择]A. Reduced profits for native traders. B. High unemployment rates.
C. Slowed business of native traders. D. Spazas being attacked frequently.

You get the information from the newspaper that ×× company is employing an English interpreter. You should write an letter for the job. Your personal information is as follows:
1) Age, 30; height, 1.80m; health condition, well; hobbies, swimming, singing, dancing.
2) Resume: graduated from Peking University in 1994, worked in Nantong Middle School.
3) Specialty: good at English, especially spoken English, translated many Chinese books into English, understand Japanese.
Tel: 3654731
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}}

The profits from some hotels unfortunately go ______.
A. to the local government
B. into the country in which they have been built
C. abroad
D. to the local inhabitants
[填空题]Many teaching agencies advertise in the main newspapers, trying (attract) () young foreign teachers.
[填空题]Remember that some ads, such as those in the newspaper, cost money, while others may be _______________.

[填空题]Part 3
Questions 19-25
·Read the following newspaper article and answer questions 19-25.
·For questions 19-25, choose the correct answerA, B, C or D.
·Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.
A Talent Shortage Hits Green Start-ups

On May 1 applications closed for the first intake of a novel kind of executive-education programme. Set up by a bunch of venture-capital firms and other companies in New England, the three-month course will teach its "fellows" about renewable energy. To qualify for a fellowship, applicants must be successful entrepreneurs from other industries, such as IT or health care, and be zealous about profiting from greenery.
"A lack of talent, especially entrepreneurial talent, was one of the biggest bottlenecks to growth we identified in the clean-tech industry," says Peter Rothstein of Flagship Ventures, a venture-capital firm that
A. A.how busy a boss ofa clean-tech firm is
B.how long it takes to find an agronomist
C.how a boss of a clean-tech firm looks for suitable candidates
D.how difficult it is for a boss ofa clean-tech firm to get a qualified employee

·Read the text below about some of America’s newspapers,which are facing extinction,unle volve.
·Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap 9-14,mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet.
·Do not use any letter more than once.
On the brink {{/B}}

The New York Times was once the best example of all that was great about American newspapers.Now it symbolizes the difficult situation the whole industry is fecde with.The Grey Lady’s circulation is tumbling down another 3.9%according to the latest data from America’s Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC).{{U}} (9) {{/U}}.
Pick almost any American newspaper company and you can tell a similar story.The ABC reported that for the 530 biggest daily newspapers,average circulation in the past six months was 3.6%lower than in the same period a year earlier.As for Sunday papers.it was 4.6%lower.Ad revenues ar


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