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发布时间:2023-12-11 20:12:22

[填空题]College students do not admit they are Internet addicts in the presence of people, but they ______.

更多"College students do not admit they "的相关试题:

[填空题]College students do not admit they are Internet addicts in the presence of people, but they ______.

[填空题]College students are heavy Internet users.
[单项选择]College professor: College students do not write nearly as well as they used to. Almost all of the papers that my students have done for me this year have been poorly written and ungrammatical.
Which one of the following is the most serious weakness in the argument made by the professor
A. It requires confirmation that the change in the professor’s students is representative of a change among college students in general.
B. It offers no proof to the effect that the professor is an accurate judge of writing ability.
C. It does not take into account the possibility that the professor is a poor teacher.
D. It fails to present contrary evidence.
E. (E) It fails to define its terms sufficiently.
[单项选择] You don’t have to be 18: Going to college as an adult
Every so often, especially when I’m feeling down, I take out my old college notes, textbooks and diplomas, and take a little stroll down memory lane. I remember the fun I had in college, the people I met, the professors who taught me and the experiences that changed my life. And I’m glad I made the sacrifices.
After graduating high school, I thought college wasn’t for me. I served a four-year stint in the U.S. Marine Corps, and then took a job with the postal service. In my na vet, I thought that moving up within the agency would be fairly easy. I was bright, knowledgeable, eager to learn new things and willing to put in the time needed to develop myself. But I ran into a brick wall. It seemed there was an inside track, and I was definitely not on it. After about a year and a half, I realized that my chances of advancement were nil, and it was time to do something about it.
A. he could see no hope of moving up the ladder in the postal agency
B. he was eager to learn new things all his life
C. his relatives and friends urged him to receive further education
D. without a diploma he could not get ’promotion in his organization
[单项选择]What will the college students do for the high school students
A. Employ them as lab assistants.
B. Teach classes at their high school.
C. Help them with their studies.
D. Pay them for participating in the study.
[简答题]Some students prefer the internet-based teaching. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of studying do you prefer and why
[填空题]Finding Friends on the Internet Many students want to find friends on the Internet as a way of practicing their language skills and learning more about new cultures. With the Internet, finding friends has become much easier. Here are some tips on finding on the Internet: ◇ Search the Internet for reputable(声誉好的)services. Look for reviews of such sites to learn more about others student’experiences. Don’t join a service until you have done research. ◇ Check to see if you can use a nickname, instead of your real name, to protect your number and birthday. ◇ Stop contact with others if you feel uncomfortable with the topics of the conversation. ◇ Try to use the language you are studying when communicating with others. Asking appropriate questions will also help you learn about other cultures. Remember: To understand a whole culture, you have to talk to many people. To protect your identity online, you’d better not use your ______.


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