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发布时间:2023-10-15 23:47:49

[单项选择]Aid workers in Mozambique say they are confident that______.
A. they are coming to terms with the humanitarian crisis
B. they can get more help from the outside world
C. they can get supplies through to the areas of need
D. they can help themselves

更多"Aid workers in Mozambique say they "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Eight foreign aid workers were arrested in Afghanistan because of their()activities.
A. political
B. espionage
C. religious
D. relief
[填空题]It (say)()that the workers all’ regarded him with sympathy.
[填空题]It (say) ______ that the workers all’ regarded him with sympathy.
[填空题]What caused the health problems to workers after the September eleventh attacks according to this passage

[简答题]Topic: Development of Cars
Examiner. Now (say the names of Candidate A and Candidate B ) here is a list of causes for the development of cars. (Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through. ) What do you think are the main causes of the development of cars I’d like each of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won’t join you.
You have 5 minutes.
All right. Would you begin (The examiner may sit back and intervene only when necessary. )
Causes of the development of cars.
· More mobile.
· Downtown less crowded.
· Not force to rely on public transport.
· Comfort.
· Changing way of life.
· Affecting social relationships.
· Opening up a new world.

[单项选择]Supersize SurpriseWhat does the author say about the effect of nicotine on smokers
[A] It threatens their health.
[B] It heightens their spirits.
[C] It suppresses their appetite.
[D] It slows down their metabolism.

Many people who live in cities say that they dislike city life. (11)They say tile city is noisy, dirty and crowded. They are tired of the traffic and the pollution.
But not many people living in cities are happy when they have to stay in the country for two or three weeks. (12)They enjoy the quiet, the clean air and the beautiful healthy surroundings, but they miss the stores and restaurants, the movie theater, the crowds, and the excitement of the city.
People who live in tile country on the other hand (14)enjoy visiting the city for a day or an evening to do some shopping or go to the theater or a concert. (15)But they often find the city a rather frightening place and are usually happy to gel back to their quiet, unexciting lives in the country.

Why do many people dislike city life
Because they feel()of living in the city.
[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
Psychologists say the one factor that differentiates people who are creative from those who aren’t is belief-creative people believe they are creative. To be creative, you simply have to believe and act as if you are. Once you believe you are creative, you begin to find ideas and to imagine all kinds of probable and improbable solutions.
Here are a few techniques to help you get started looking for ideas you may already have in your mind.
Play a different role. Suppose you want to improve your company’s training program. Play the role of another person. Write, from the perspective of that role, what changes the person would make. Record any interesting thoughts or new ideas.
Randomly pick something and compare it with your problem. Open a dictionary and randomly, without looking, pick a word. Force yourself to ma
A. He should try to be as creative as possible.
B. He may set up a problem and then try to conceive all the possible solutions to it.
C. He should study all the techniques mentioned in the passage and try to use them.
D. He should play a different role from the one he plays now.


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