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发布时间:2023-11-29 20:45:50

[填空题]What is the author primarily concerned with in this passage

更多"What is the author primarily concer"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In this passage, the author is primarily concerned with
A. advancing an argument against human cloning based on evidence from cloning experiments performed on lower life forms
B. measuring the technical and ethical limitations of the embryonic cloning process in mammals
C. refuting arguments against human cloning through the use of hard scientific evidence
D. illuminating the critical ethical distinctions in process between human cloning and sheep cloning
E. describing how the ethical issues in the quest for human cloning have given rise to new models of embryonic development
[单项选择]In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with
A. chronicling the evolution of attitudes toward photography
B. explaining how photography emerged from the tradition of visual art and literature
C. exposing an unrecognized problem in the way photographs are perceived by the public
D. explaining why some critics have come to prefer photography over other artistic mediums
E. identifying the various solutions to critical problems in photography that have arisen since its invention
[单项选择]The author of the passage is primarily concerned with
A. articulating potential useful applications of the development of sustainable chemistry
B. suggesting the environmental dilemma posed by the usage of non-renewables
C. reconciling opposing theories on the effects of chemical pollution
D. describing how the methods of non-sustainable chemistry must be corrected
E. proving a general overview about how sustainable chemistry could improve human existence
[单项选择]The author is primarily concerned with ______.
A. describing a phenomenon and explaining its causes
B. outlining a position and supporting it with statistics
C. isolating an ambiguity and clarifying it by definition
D. presenting a problem and advocating a solution for it
[单项选择]The passage is primarily concerned with
A. contrasting the role of domination and courtship in determining the evolution of bird plumage
B. illustrating the effectiveness of a particular approach to categorizing various evolutionary innovations
C. documenting the origins of a currently accepted scientific theory about food and courtship
D. proposing a new explanation for the evolutionary reasons behind the ornamentation of male bird plumage
E. showing that physical adaptation plays an integral role in contributing to species identification of birds
[单项选择]The passage is primarily concerned with discussing
A. how anthropologists ought to explain the origins of the trade relationship between foragers and agriculturalists
B. why it is difficult to measure the amount of time necessary for the disappearance of carbohydrate-rich plant species in the rain forest
C. why a particular account of the unavailability of carbohydrates to rain forest foragers is inaccurate
D. what ought to be included in any account of the effects of forager peoples on rain forest ecology
E. what data are most relevant for an accurate account of the relations between rain forest foragers and agriculturalists
[单项选择]The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following
A. Lauding Gibson’s achievement in recognizing the usefulness of traditional Western values toward technology
B. Advocating Gibson’s work as an example of an unorthodox and useful view of the body’s relationship to labor
C. Criticizing Gibson’s lack of reliance on alternative models of labor
D. Advancing a thesis concerning the limitations of traditional conceptions of the laboring body
E. Explaining, on the level of craft, how Gibson’s work varies from that of his peers
[单项选择]() is primarily concerned with defining and controlling what is and is not included in the project.
A. Project Time Management
B. Project Cost Management
C. Project Scope management
D. Project Communications Management
[填空题]S5. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing________________.


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