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发布时间:2024-03-11 23:59:30

[单项选择]Instead of advancing the public discussion of biotechnology, David Shenk succeeds merely in displaying his general ignorance and unfounded fears in his recent article "Biocapitalism" His claim that "no living creature has ever before been able to upgrade its own operating system" ignores transduction ( the act or process of transferring genetic material or characteristics from one bacterial cell to another) and bacterial conjugation (the temporary union of two bacterial cells), which are ways organisms have "upgraded" their own genomes with novel DNA for hundreds of millions of years. A first-year biology major could have told him that. For Shenk to suggest that his daughter may someday use a before-birth genetic test for "quick-wittedness" is extremely dun-witted, ignoring the complexity of polygenetic traits while embracing a shallow genetic determinism. Nurture ——utterly absent from his discussion ——really does matter.
Finally, worrying about the effects on the gene pool of a "
A. is obviously a fault
B. is comprehensible to college students
C. is identical to his own argument
D. will be testified by his daughter

更多"Instead of advancing the public dis"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Instead of advancing the public discussion of biotechnology, David Shenk succeeds merely in displaying his general ignorance and unfounded fears in his recent article "Biocapitalism" His claim that "no living creature has ever before been able to upgrade its own operating system" ignores transduction ( the act or process of transferring genetic material or characteristics from one bacterial cell to another) and bacterial conjugation (the temporary union of two bacterial cells), which are ways organisms have "upgraded" their own genomes with novel DNA for hundreds of millions of years. A first-year biology major could have told him that. For Shenk to suggest that his daughter may someday use a before-birth genetic test for "quick-wittedness" is extremely dun-witted, ignoring the complexity of polygenetic traits while embracing a shallow genetic determinism. Nurture ——utterly absent from his discussion ——really does matter.
Finally, worrying about the effects on the gene pool of a "
A. draw the public’s attention to "biocapitalism"
B. cover his general ignorance about "biocapitalism"
C. show his approval of the advancement in biotechnology
D. report his success in biotechnological research
Topic: Public Health
Now, Candidate A and Candidate B, here is a list of problems of public health.
(Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through. )
What do you think are the problems that should be solved quickly I’d like each of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won’t join you. You have 5 minutes. All right. Would you begin (The interlocutor may sit back and intervene only when necessary. )
Problems of Public Health:
●air pollution
●contaminated food
●poisoned water
●noise pollution
●polluted infant formula
●white pollution
[填空题]Public Discussion on Cutting Students’ Burden
Zhou Li (a parent in Beijing)
Reduce Students’ burden Who will be responsible if my child can’t go to college Heroes in major tests are both from high marks. Many families have only one child, and no parents wish to see their child fall to receive a higher education. In addition, marks equal cash. Right now, major middle schools and universities are using a charging system. One more mark is several hundred yuan less than your parents have to pay.
A teacher (Shanghai)
The admission peak in China is now shifting from primary schools to high schools and universities, which will lead to an employment peak. Competition between many people for one post will not bean uncommon situation. Under these circumstances, those who cut their burdens will lose at the beginning of the competition. Cultural Revolution’s experience tells today’s parents that they should not be fooled. As long as job opportunities are not se
Advancing Crediting

Advancing crediting is a popular psychological pedagogy method applied in the field of child education. Teachers can praise students somehow after they conduct some desirable behavior, and eventually students will return with some good consequences. In that way, students can form appropriate social behavior through teachers’ encouragement.
Question: The professor takes one example to illustrate the theory of "advancing crediting", Explain how the example is related to the reading passage.
[填空题]In the medical profession, technology is advancing so fast that questions of law and ethics cannot be discussed and answered fast enough. Most of these questions{{U}} (36) {{/U}}ending or beginning a human life. For example, we have the medical ability to keep a person{{U}} (37) {{/U}}"alive" for years, on machines, after he or she is "brain dead". But is it ethical to do this And what about the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}In other words, is it{{U}} (39) {{/U}}not to keep a person alive if we have the technology to do so And there are also many ethical questions involving the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}of a human baby. External fertilization, for example, is becoming more and more common. By this method, couples who have difficulty{{U}} (41) {{/U}}a child may still become parents. At a cost between $ 70,000 and $ 75,000 for the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}of one such baby, should society have to pay for this especially when there are many{{U}} (43) {{/U}}children who need parents {{U}} (44) {{/U}


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