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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:28:34

Weekly Magazine to Hit Shelves

Stanwell Inc. is launching a brand new publication next week. The magazine, titled Information Today, will be an essential read for all people who work in the IT industry. It will feature articles about new technologies, systems, and developments that are likely to affect the way IT professionals do their work. There will also be a number of regular columns, with opinions, humor and gossip about the world of IT.
In line with the needs and expectations of modern IT workers, Information Today will be available in both print and online versions. The online version will also include interactive forums where subscribers can discuss their own problems, experiences and opinions in a lively fashion. A subscription will cost $120 per year, paid either in one lump sum or in smaller installments. There will be a 10% discount for registered members of the United States Information Workers Association. To celebrate
A. A recent magazine article
B. A new business publication
C. An upcoming industry event
D. A successful publishing company

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Weekly Magazine to Hit Shelves

Stanwell Inc. is launching a brand new publication next week. The magazine, titled Information Today, will be an essential read for all people who work in the IT industry. It will feature articles about new technologies, systems, and developments that are likely to affect the way IT professionals do their work. There will also be a number of regular columns, with opinions, humor and gossip about the world of IT.
In line with the needs and expectations of modern IT workers, Information Today will be available in both print and online versions. The online version will also include interactive forums where subscribers can discuss their own problems, experiences and opinions in a lively fashion. A subscription will cost $120 per year, paid either in one lump sum or in smaller installments. There will be a 10% discount for registered members of the United States Information Workers Association. To celebrate
A. It will cover IT developments.
B. It will be available in print.
C. It will list IT job postings.
D. It will have a variety of features.
[填空题]How many shelves can be fitted
[单项选择]With books tucked neatly off the shelves and a comfy purple - dragon rug in a back-coruer nook, the library at San Diego’s Willard B. Hage Elementary School is the perfect place for children to fall in love with reading. Since the start of the school year, however, the library has been off - limits to students, who get to go there only when (already overworked)teachers can escort them and handle the record - keeping. "With all of the cutbacks we’ve had in the last few years, the district can’t pay for someone to help check out books," explains Pare Wiesenberg, a third -grade teacher at the school. "As a result, the children suffer. "
Students at Willard B. Hage Elementary school can use the library when
A. teachers can take care of them.
B. they can handle the record - keeping themselves.
C. teachers can go with them and help.
D. they can to in groups and help each other.
[单项选择] E   Email Announcement Weekly   University libraries to be closed for day on Friday   All university libraries will be closed from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. on Friday (Aug.10). The closure will allow librarians to complete various tasks to prepare for the coming fall term. Library users are asked to change their study or research plans around this short closure.   Bring your old films to Home Movie Day   Find your old home movies and bring them to Home Movie Day from 1-5 p. m. Saturday (Aug.11). The free event at Will’ s Campbell Hall, 300 N. Goodwin, includes a clinic on caring for old films. and continuous showing of movies brought in by students like you. Sponsors (主办者) are WILL and the U of C Library.   Ireland garden tour set for June 2008   The public is invited to join Illinois Master Gardeners on a trip to visit popular public gardens and castles in Ireland. The tour (June 2-12, 2008) also includes several personal gardens as well as free time to find more. Bookings due Sept.
A. International tourist
B. University peopl
C. The general publi
D. Movie lover
[单项选择]On the shelves of the country’s shops is the usual classification of toys, clothing, appliances and cookware. But over the past month the quality of many of the goods on offer has improved. In part this is because scandals over toxic paint have brought closer scrutiny from inspectors and hence less corner-cutting. But it is also partly because of falling demand for its goods from other countries, which has given its manufacturers and local government a big incentive to work around the country’s exportpromotion policies and to sell at home.
Its manufacturers are well aware that they operate in one of the few large markets that is still showing a pulse. Retail sales in October were up by 22% compared with the same month in 2007 -- a slight drop from 23.2% in September, but an impressive figure nonetheless. That certainly exaggerates the country’s economic vigor, but it would be a stretch to believe that the country is in recession.
As domestic consumption increases, its export-
A. They are facing mounting demand from partners in abroad market.
B. Those mainly undertaking export business will also benefit a lot.
C. They are quite clear with the surrounding environment situated in.
D. They should bear in mind that its economy is in recession.
[简答题]超市货品摆放布局 A middle of shelves:expensive products40. B near the entrance:profitable products
E-mail Announcement Weekly

University libraries to be closed for a day on Friday
All university libraries will be closed from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday (Aug. 10). The closure will allow librarians to complete various tasks to prepare for the coming fall term. Library users are asked to change their study or research plans around this short closure.
Bring your old films to Home Movie Day
Find your old home movies and bring them to Home Movie Day from 1~5 p.m. Saturday (Aug. 11). The free event at WILL’s Campbell Hall, 300 N. Goodwin, includes a clinic on caring for old films and continuous showing of movies brought in by students like you. Sponsors(主办者) are WILL and the U of C Library.
Ireland garden tour set for June 2012
The public is invited to join Illinois Master Gardeners on a trip to visit popular public gardens an
A. International tourists.
B. University people.
C. The general public.
D. Movie lovers.


When you enter a supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk between the shelves. You carry a shopping basket and put your food in it.
You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk between the shelves. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things.
Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where the customers enter the meat department. The cheap meat is at the other end of the meat department, away front where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of: the meat on sale.
Tile department selling milk and milk products such as butter and milk powder is called the dairy department. Many customers like milk that has only a little butterfat(牛奶中的脂肪) in it. One store has three
A. Buy Me
B. Food on Sale
C. Supermarket
D. Low Fat Milk

[单项选择]Different foods are to be found on three shelves in a fridge. Butter is kept below theeggs while cheese is kept above the milk. The butter is also above the milk, but theeggs are on the same shelf as the yoghurt. The ice cream is above the cheese.What is on the bottom shelf
A. Butter
B. Eggs
C. Cheese
D. Milk.


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