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发布时间:2023-10-22 08:58:24


When I was a psychiatric resident, we had a faculty member who was famous for his messy office: stacks of papers and old journals covered every chair and table as well as much of the floor. Eventually, the faculty member had to be given another office in which to see patients.
Not surprisingly, the psychiatric diagnostic manual does riot list "messy room" in the index. But it does mention a tantalizing symptom: inability "to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value." It comes under the diagnosis obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, an obscure cousin of the more famous obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫性神经官能症)
I was barely aware of the diagnosis. Every era has mental disorders that for cultural or scientific reasons become popular. In Freud’s day it was hysteria. Currently, depression has moved to center stage. But other ailments go relatively ignored, and this disorder was one.
46) It c

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When I was a psychiatric resident, we had a faculty member who was famous for his messy office: stacks of papers and old journals covered every chair and table as well as much of the floor. Eventually, the faculty member had to be given another office in which to see patients.
Not surprisingly, the psychiatric diagnostic manual does riot list "messy room" in the index. But it does mention a tantalizing symptom: inability "to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value." It comes under the diagnosis obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, an obscure cousin of the more famous obsessive-compulsive disorder(强迫性神经官能症)
I was barely aware of the diagnosis. Every era has mental disorders that for cultural or scientific reasons become popular. In Freud’s day it was hysteria. Currently, depression has moved to center stage. But other ailments go relatively ignored, and this disorder was one.
46) It c

[填空题]Hardly had we gathered in the square when it (begin) _______ to rain.

My husband and I bought a camcorder when we had our first kid.
I was eleven when we had to move out of the big old house in which I had spent my whole life. Each time I thought of that, I felt very sad. When the final day came, I ran to a corner and sat alone, trying not to let others see my tears. Suddenly I felt a hand patting me on the shoulder. I looked up, and saw my grandpa. "It isn’t easy, is it, my grandson" he said in a very low voice, sitting down beside me. I nodded through my tears, without a word. We sat silently for a long time. Then he said, "Good-by is such a sad word that it seems too cold for us to use. We must try to avoid it."
Then we walked slowly in the garden, hand in hand, to have a last look at each rock, each tree, each flower. We sat for a while by the small pond which was a favorite place of my grandpa’s. "What do you see here, Tommy" asked the old man. I looked at the wat
A. were too sorry to leave
B. were both unwilling to say goodbye to
C. felt sorry when they were in
D. didn’t know that they had to leave
[填空题]When we sent out the invitations, we had several (refuse)()
[填空题]Hardly had we get home when it (begin) ______ to snow.


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