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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:26:00

[填空题]Company’s research spending fell 6 percent in the ______ of 2005.

更多"Company’s research spending fell 6 "的相关试题:

[单项选择]A company, with a tax rate of 40% percent, sold a capital asset with a net book value of $500 000 for $570 000 during the year. Which of the following amounts will most likely be reported on their in their income statement for year related to the asset sale()
A. $70000.
B. $92000.
C. $105000.
[简答题]Harrison’s Chemical Corporation is a company. It sponsors important research. (complex sentence)
[简答题]Approximate 92 percent of the world’s trading goods are transported by ships. A B C D
[单项选择]About ten percent of the world’s deserts are composed of sand dunes, which are driven across the desert by the wind. Sand grains march across the desert floor under the influence of strong winds by a process known as saltation. The grains of sand become airborne for a moment, and upon landing they dislodge additional sand grains, which repeat the process. In this manner, sand dunes engulf everything in their path, including structures made by people, and pose a major problem in the construction and maintenance of highways and railroads that cross sandy areas of desert. Sand dune migration near desert oases poses another serious problem, especially when encroaching on villages. Methods to mitigate damage to structures from sand dunes include building windbreaks and funneling sand out of the way. Without such measures, disruption of roads, airports, agricultural settlements, and towns could become a major problem in desert regions.
The direction, strength, and variability of the w
A. Their location.
B. Their destructiveness.
C. Their formation.
D. Their disappearanc
[单项选择]More than 85 percent of French Canada’’ s population speaks French as a mother tongue and______ to the Roman Catholic faith.
A. ascribes
B. subscribes
C. adheres
D. caters
[单项选择]Before the economy fell apart, it was Britain’s society that was supposed to be in terminal decline, especially in the eyes of the Tories. David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader, was wont to bemoan "broken Britain", mired in moral degeneracy, with high rates of teenage pregnancy, low rates of marriage and other less quantifiable breakdowns in the civilised scheme of things.
Such antediluvian worries were raked over again on July 13th when Iain Duncan Smith, a former Tory leader, called for an official endorsement of marriage. Mr Duncan Smith cites several reasons to encourage wedlock, including family stability (married couples are much less likely to split than cohabiting ones ) and healthier children who do better in later life. There was talk of state-run counselling, pro-marriage propaganda in schools and mandatory "cooling-off" periods before divorces. Mr Duncan Smith favours tax breaks for married couples, something that Labour has long refused to endorse.
It is
A. Negative.
B. Positive.
C. Cautious.
D. Zealous.


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