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发布时间:2024-07-25 21:21:46

[单项选择]Which of the following statements about the market portfolio and the capital market line (CML) is least accurate The market portfolio:()
A. assumes an equal amount is invested in each risky asset.
B. is perfectly positively correlated with other portfolios on the CML.
C. allows the elimination of all unsystematic risk at every point along the CML.

更多"Which of the following statements a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following statements about the market portfolio is least accurate()
A. No portfolio along the Markowitz efficient frontier has a higher Sharpe ratio than the market portfolio.
B. The CML and the Markowitz efficient frontier intercept at the market portfolio.
C. The risk of the market portfolio is measured in both standard deviation and systematic risk.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is CORRECT about the present U.S. housing market

Which of the following statements is CORRECT about the present U.S. housing market
A.There are fewer obstacles for its recovery. B.New homes sell better than used ones.
C.It began to recover in the previous year. D.The sales of houses are rising modestly.
A. There are fewer obstacles for its recovery.
B. New homes sell better than used ones.
C. It began to recover in the previous year.
D. The sales of houses are rising modestly.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about efficient markets and indexes is FALSE()
A. An unweighted index assumes that investors make and maintain an equal dollar investment in each stock in the index.
B. External efficiency means prices adjust rapidly to new information.
C. Efficient markets tests have found that stocks with high price-to-earnings ratios (P/E) tend to outperform stocks with low P/E ratios.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about arbitrage and market anomalies is most accurate()
A. Investors of the funds that arbitrageurs and traders use are generally too patient and fail to remove funds in a timely manner when trades go against them.
B. Arbitrageurs have more capital at their disposal than they require enabling them to pursue any security mispricing.
C. In pairs trading, where an arbitrageur purchases the underpriced security and shorts the overpriced security, stock-specific risk remains.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about investment constraints is FALSE()
A. Diversification efforts can increase tax liability.
B. Investors concerned about time horizon are not likely to worry about liquidity.
C. Tax deferral usually makes more sense for the young than for the old.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about securities markets is least accurate()
A. Characteristics of a well-functioning securities market include: many buyers and sellers willing to trade at below market price, low bid-ask spreads, timely information on price and volume of past transactions, and accurate information on supply and demand.
B. When Conglomerate, InC. trades directly with MultiNational, Ltd. , it is using the fourth market.
C. A limit buy order and a stop buy order are both placed below the current market price.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about systematic and unsystematic risk is FALSE( )
A. As an investor increases the number of stocks in a portfolio, the systematic risk will remain constant.
B. Total risk equals market risk plus firm-specific risk.
C. The unsystematic risk for a specific firm is similar to the unsystematic risk for other firms in the same industry.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about portfolio diversification is TRUE( )
A. The efficient frontier represents individual securities.
B. When a risk-averse investor is confronted with two investment opportunities having the same expected return, the investor will take the opportunity with the lower risk.
C. When a portfolio is efficient, it will lie above and to the left of the efficient frontier.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about financial statements and reporting standards is least accurate()
A. Reporting standards focus mostly on format and presentation and allow management wide latitude in assumptions.
B. The objective of financial statements is to provide economic decision makers with useful information.
C. Reporting standards ensure that the information in financial statements is useful to a wide range of users.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about accounting procedures and their impact on the statement of cash flows is least valid All else equal:()
A. a nonprofitable company that uses LIFO to account for inventory will have higher total cash flow than a nonprofitable company that uses FIFO during a period of rising prices.
B. a company that finances through common stock issues may have the same cash flow from financing(CFF) as a firm that issues debt.
C. the cash flow from operations(CFO) for a company that has a capital lease will be overstated compared to that of a firm that has an operating lease.


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