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发布时间:2023-10-22 15:43:40

[填空题]Taking enough caffeine can help to relieve the pain when you are suffering a migraine headache.

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[单项选择]A. Their neighbor Mr. Churchill will help them paint the house.
B. Their house is still new and doesn’t need any paint work.
C. They will ask about the fee before having their house painted.
D. They have to paint their house on their own for lack of money.
Taking Showers" Can Make You III"

Showering may be bad for your health, say US scientists, who have shown that dirty shower heads can deliver a face full of harmful bacteria. Tests revealed nearly a third of devices harbour significant levels of Mycobacterium avium, a bug that causes lung disease. Levels of M. avium were 100 times higher in shower head than those found in typical household water supplies. M. avium forms a biofilm that clings to the inside of the shower head, repofls the National Academy of Science.
In the Proceedings journal, the study authors say their findings might explain why there have been more cases of these lung infections in recent years, linked with people tending to take more showers and fewer baths.
When the researchers swabbed and tested 50 shower heads from nine cities in seven different states in the US, including New York City and Denver, they found 30% of the devices posed a potential risk.

A. Some household devices can harbor bacteria.
B. There are more M. avium in the inside of the shower head than in other water supplies.
C. M. avium can not exsit in orther water supplies.
D. M. avium can lead to lung diseas
[单项选择]Water, () enough, can change into vapour quickly.
A. when heated
B. heating
C. though to be heated
D. when is heated
[单项选择]Passage Two After taking a six-week, fully paid maternity leave (产假) earlier this year, Francine Gemperle was anxious to resume her job but reluctant to be away from her baby daughter, Veronika. Fortunately, she did’t have to choose between them. Maya Design, a Pittsburgh based creative consulting firm, allows parents to bring newborns into the office. “If I’d had to leave my children after my maternity leave ended, I would never have goes back to work,” says Gemperle, a designer and researcher, who brought her son Milo into the office after he was born. She’s not the only parent taking advantage of the benefit. Senior analyst Jon West brings his 10-mouth-old son, Owen, to the several times a month. In fact, when West considered using only part of his paternity leave, his co-workers urged him to take all six weeks. “I had pressure to take that leave,” recalls West, “People told me, it’s an important part of your life and you need to experience it.” “No matter how quiet the baby
A. It hires women with families.
B. It has some overseas branches.
C. It provide consulting services.
D. It encourages the staff to work at home.
[单项选择]A single night of taking the drag Ecstasy can cause serious brain damage and hasten the (62) of Parkinson’s disease, scientists say.Just two to three Ecstasy tablets—a quantity that thousands of clubbers take during raves—can permanently (63) brain cells that affect movement and (64) , according to American research that (65) the drug to Parkinson’s for the first time.
A study by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, (66) monkeys and baboons found that both species of primate (67) irreversible damage to key cells (68) dopamine neurons, which are lost in Parkinson’s, after receiving three low doses of Ecstasy at three—hour (69)
The study is particularly significant (70) baboons are one of the best animal models for the human brain.George Ricaurte, who led the research, said that widespread (71) of the drug may already be (72) victims of such neurolog
A. enlarging
B. extending
C. increasing
D. expanding


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