发布时间:2024-07-29 19:07:17

[单项选择]Even though current technologies make the ultimate segmented network impractical, new technologies and products hold the promise of making the concept a reality. Most important of all these new technologies are (66) . The ultimate switched LAN, which is technically possible, now, exhibits the following characteristics:
1. High-speed yet cost-effective switching devices can be implemented on a wide scale, providing dedicated connections for individual users and supporting the aggregate (67) of all networked users.
2. The ability to deploy switching capabilities incrementally into the (68) base. Switching implementations support switching of individual users or groups so that existing users of shared media modules can continue to use the existing equipment until they can justify moving to dedicate switched LAN connections.
3. Support and enhancement of existing routed environments. Switching (69) routint, but rather can be introduced
A. switch-based LANs
C. user services

更多"Even though current technologies ma"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Even though current technologies make the ultimate segmented network impractical, new technologies and products hold the promise of making the concept a reality. Most important of all these new technologies are (66) . The ultimate switched LAN, which is technically possible, now, exhibits the following characteristics:
1. High-speed yet cost-effective switching devices can be implemented on a wide scale, providing dedicated connections for individual users and supporting the aggregate (67) of all networked users.
2. The ability to deploy switching capabilities incrementally into the (68) base. Switching implementations support switching of individual users or groups so that existing users of shared media modules can continue to use the existing equipment until they can justify moving to dedicate switched LAN connections.
3. Support and enhancement of existing routed environments. Switching (69) routint, but rather can be introduced
A. specific requirements
B. bandwidth requirements
C. permanent requirements
D. security requirements
[单项选择]Though even these buildings are occasionally threatened,their reputation does protect them to some extent.()
A. 虽然这些建筑不断地受到威胁,但它们的名气多少能保护它们。
B. 虽然这些建筑有时会受到威胁,但在某些方面它们的名气能保护它们。
C. 虽然这些建筑有时会受到威胁,但它们的名气多少能保护它们。
D. 虽然这些建筑不断的被威胁,但在某些方面它们的名誉能保护它们。
[单项选择]Text 4
The media can impact current events. As a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s,I remember experiencing the events related to the People’s Park that were occurring on campus. Some of these events were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the distinctions between these realities.
Electronic media are having a greater impact on the people’s lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to a global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the information that tele
A. The 1992 Los Angeles Riots
B. The Impact of Media on Current Events
C. The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake and the 1992 Los Angeles Riots
D. How Media Cover Events
[简答题]Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villagers to see this.
[填空题]Even though the majority of Americans would find it hard to imagine
what life could be like without a car, some have begun to realize that the
automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents are increasing steady, 67. ______
and large cities are troubled by too many automobiles. First of all, 68. ______
perhaps, is the air pollution caused by the internal-combustion (内燃机)
engine. Every car engine burns hundred of gallons of fuel each year and 69. ______
pumps gases into the air. These gases are one origin of the smog that 70. ______
hangs over large cities. Some of these gases are poisonous and danger to 71. ______
health, especially for someone with a weak heart or a respiratory disease
One answer to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that does
not pollute. That’s the several major automobile manufacturers are trying 72. ______
to do. But building a clean car is easier saying than done. So far,


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