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发布时间:2023-10-14 13:10:50

[填空题]The problems Americans face concerning water are ground water shrinkage and tap water pollution.

更多"The problems Americans face concern"的相关试题:

[填空题]Although we still have some problems to face, by and large our work has been successful.
[单项选择]Many of the problems we face today are not so new as we think they are. And some of our modern solutions are not so new, either. The problem of energy shortages and the solution of using solar energy go back at least to early Greek cultures. The climate in the coastal areas of Greece 2,500 years ago was characterized by cool winters, much as it is today. At that time, the Greeks heated their homes with small, charcoal-burning heaters. In other words, wood (which is used to make charcoal) was their primary source of energy. However, by the fifth century B C fuel shortages had become common be- cause, in many parts of Greece, the firewood in the forests had been depleted. Once the supply of fire- wood from the local forests ran out, people began to use the wood from olive groves as fuel. But this solution had its own problem. It reduced the olive crop, a valuable resource to the Greeks. By the fourth century B C, the city of Athens banned the use of olive wood for fuel. Wood had to be im
A. damaged
B. stolen
C. used up
D. discovered
[单项选择] Problems that Manufacturers Face Manufacturers who wish to export their goods to other countries 【51】 many practical problems. Firstly, there is the question of evaluating the market, and 【52】 where the product 【53】 well. This 【54】 examining rival products to see 【55】 these already fill the demand or not, and considering if the proposed selling price will be competitive. 【56】 is to find someone in the chosen market 【57】 will buy the product. The buyer could be a wholesaler, who will 【58】 sell the product to shops and stores, or someone with a retail outlet of 【59】 own. Finally, there’’s 【60】 whole question of arranging the details of the deal, such as finance, transportation, storage. 【61】 a manufacturer knows the export market very well indeed, the best answer to all these problems is undoubtedly to find a good agent, who can make the whole project viable. An agent will provide information, introductions and contacts, and in return, he or she will get
A. Hence
B. As a result
C. In general
D. However


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