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发布时间:2023-10-22 19:55:52

[填空题]The chief causes of water shortage are population growth and water pollution.

更多"The chief causes of water shortage "的相关试题:

Shortage of Fresh Water

[单项选择]What is mentioned as one of the causes of water accident ?()
A. Waterscooter operators’’ lack of experience.
B. Vacationers’’ disregard of water safety rules.
C. Overloading of small boats and other craft.
D. Carelessness of people boating along the shore.
[单项选择]The shortage of water became more()this summer with the highest temperatures in 40 years.
A. needy
B. latent
C. uneasy
D. acute
[填空题]Growth in population will be a chief threat to economic prosperity.

[填空题]The human population growth is the causes of all of the environmental problems.

[填空题]The warming causes population explosions of mosquitoes as well as beetles, but it has been documented that the latter have done more damage to man than the former have.
Water shortage warning

State officials have announced that water restrictions will be introduced starting next Monday. As a result of below average rainfall, lake reserves are now at their lowest levels in fifty years. The regional water management authority has issued the following water conservation measures:
· All water users are required to restrict their water use.
· Public and privately-owned water utilities shall restrict the monthly use of water by their customers. They may do this by interrupting supply or by advising their clients on procedures to reduce their consumption.
· Use of water for domestic gardens and yards is permitted on Wednesdays and Saturdays for residents with even house numbers, and on Mondays and Thursdays for residents with odd house numbers.
·For agricultural businesses, irrigation is now limited to the hours between 7 p.m. and midnight
What is the purpose of this notice
A. To inform residents of water
B. To warn residents of weather conditions
C. To announce water pollution levels
D. To promote mineral water sales
[简答题]The recent water shortage in California forced changes in Californians’ lifestyles. When water was rationed, Californians learned to conserve water. They didn’t water their lawns or gardens or wash their automobiles. They took buses to save some gas. They took fewer showers and baths. The water shortage lasted two years. Californians also learned to recycle water. For example, they used the rinse water from their washing machines to water their house plants and gardens.
[填空题]The shortage of water_________________________.(给当地人的生活造成了许多问题)

[填空题]One solution to fresh water shortage is to to use drip irrigation.
[单项选择]How can we avoid a worldwide water shortage in the future
A. We can invent ways of increasing rainfall.
B. We can develop ways of reusing water.
C. We may use less water.
D. We may build fewer steel plants.


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