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发布时间:2023-10-23 06:59:59

[填空题]thing used as a test or measure

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[填空题]thing used as a test or measure
[单项选择]One of the most commonly used yield spread measures is the nominal spread. Which of the following is NOT a limitation of nominal spread The nominal spread assumes:( )
A. an upward sloping yield curve.
B. all cash flows can be discounted at the same rate.
C. all cash payments will be received in a prompt and timely manner.
[填空题]White mice will be used to test the safety of (11) prepared for athletes competing in the 2008 Olympic Games, (12) in Beijing said. Milk, alcohol, salad, rice, oil, salt and seasonings will be tested by white mice (13) hours before being used as ingredients in food prepared for athletes, said Zhao Xinsheng. He said mice would (14) adverse reactions to poisoning with 17 hours, which is quicker (15) test results derived from methods like bacterial cultures.White mice will be used to test the safety of (11) prepared for athletes competing in the 2008 Olympic Games, (12) in Beijing said. Milk, alcohol, salad, rice, oil, salt and seasonings will be tested by white mice (13) hours before being used as ingredients in food prepared for athletes, said Zhao Xinsheng. He said mice would (14) adverse reactions to poisoning with 17 hours, which is quicker (15) test results derived from meth
[单项选择]The purpose of this test is to measure students’________ to learn instead of their present achievements.
A. capacity
B. attitude
C. confidence
D. determination
[填空题]The scale used to measure acid rain is called______.


The intelligence test used most often today are based on the work of a Frenchman, Alfred Binet. In 1905, Binet was asked by the French Ministry of Education to develop a way to identify those children in French schools who were too "mentally deficient(不足的)" to benefit from ordinary schooling and who needed special education. The tests had to distinguish those who were merely behind in school from those who were actually mentally deficient.
The items that Binet and his colleague Theophile Simon included on the test were chosen on the basis of their ideas about intelligence. Binet and Simon believed intelligence includes such abilities as understanding the meaning of words; solving problems, and making commonsense judgements. Two other important assumptions also shaped Binet’s and Simon’s work: (1) that children with more intelligence will do better in school and (2) that older children have a greater ability than younger children.
A. tell the origin of intelligence tests
B. explain the basic principle of intelligence tests
C. describe the changes in the content of intelligence tests
D. state the development of intelligence tests

[填空题](51)"Humanism" has used to mean too many thing to be a very satisfactory term. (52) Nevertheless, and in the lack of a better word, (53) I shall use it here to explain for the complex of attitudes which this discussion has undertaken to defend.
(54) In this sense a humanist is anyone who rejects the attempt to describe or account of man wholly on the basis of physics, chemistry, and animal behavior. (55) He is anyone who believes that will, reason, and purpose are real and significant: that value and justice are aspects of a reality called good and evil and rests upon some foundation other than custom; (56) that consciousness is so far from a mere epiphenomenon that it is the most tremendous of actualities. (57) that the unmeasure, may be significant; or to sum it all up; (58) that those human realities which sometimes seem to exist only in human mind are the perceptions of the mind.
(59) He is, in other words, anyone


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