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发布时间:2024-01-22 05:49:30

[单项选择]Your mind like your body is a thing where the powers are developed by effort. This is a principal use, as I see it, of hard work in studies. Unless you train your body you can’t be a good sportsman, and unless you train your mind you can’t be much of a scholar. The four mi- les a boatman covers at top speed is in itself nothing to the good, but the physical capacity to hold out over the distance is thought to be of some value. So a good part of what you learn by hard study may not be retained forever, and may not seem to be of much final value, but your mind is a better and more powerful instrument because you have learned it. "Knowledge is power," but still more the ability of acquiring and using knowledge is power. If you have a trained and powerful mind, you are bound to have stored it with something, its value is more in what it can do, what it can grasp and use, than in what it contains; and if it were possible, as it is not, to come out of college with a trained mind and nothing
A. is certain to succeed
B. is successful in his studies
C. is considered an educated person
D. can grasp any problem

更多"Your mind like your body is a thing"的相关试题:


Your mind like your body is a thing where the powers are developed by effort. This is a principal use, as I see it, of hard work in studies. Unless you train your body you can’t be a good sportsman, and unless you train your mind you can’t be much of a scholar. The four mi- les a boatman covers at top speed is in itself nothing to the good, but the physical capacity to hold out over the distance is thought to be of some value. So a good part of what you learn by hard study may not be retained forever, and may not seem to be of much final value, but your mind is a better and more powerful instrument because you have learned it. "Knowledge is power," but still more the ability of acquiring and using knowledge is power. If you have a trained and powerful mind, you are bound to have stored it with something, its value is more in what it can do, what it can grasp and use, than in what it contains; and if it were possible, as it is not, to come out of college with
A. Knowledge Is Power
B. How to Retain and Use Knowledge
C. Physical and Mental Efforts
D. The Trained Mind Is What One Needs

[简答题]a vacancy of mind and body. It has been commandeered by the sociologists and the psychologists: it is a problem.
[填空题]1. Mind and body are two parts of a complex organism controlled by the nervous system, which acts on information received from the senses. The way a person perceives and reacts depends on his mood, his state of health, his diet, his body temperature and his level of consciousness.
2. There is considerable evidence that every thought or emotion has some related physical effect, and that every change within the nervous system should have some psychological effect. Although the precise nature of these correlations is not always known, the view that body and mind are constantly interacting in some way is now accepted by most psychologists.
3. The relationship between mind and body is particularly apparent in emotional states, especially those of fear and anger. When a person is in the grip of a powerful emotion his body undergoes changes, just as it does when he is asleep, ill or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Most people are familiar with such sensations as a dry mouth
[简答题]Object/ Thing Where do you think communication skills is useful
[填空题]Since you have set your mind to finish your master’s program, don’t let your social life______(妨碍你的学习).


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